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 crusade [kru'sed]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 改革运动, 十字军东侵

vi. 从事改革运动, 加入十字军

  1. The college students are active to crusade against the nuclear weapons.
    大学生们积极投入开展反对核武器的运 动。
  2. It's a crusade against corruption.
  3. Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusade into an obsession.
    她致力於一伟大事业, 但其崇高的奋斗精神已变质成为偏执的狂热.

[ noun ]
  1. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end

  2. <noun.act>
    he supported populist campaigns
    they worked in the cause of world peace
    the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant
    the movement to end slavery
    contributed to the war effort
  3. any of the more or less continuous military expeditions in the 11th to 13th centuries when Christian powers of Europe tried to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims

  4. <noun.act>
[ verb ]
  1. exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for

  2. <verb.social> agitate campaign fight press push
    The liberal party pushed for reforms
    She is crusading for women's rights
    The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate
  3. go on a crusade; fight a holy war

  4. <verb.competition>

Crusade \Cru*sade"\ (kr?-s?d"), n. [F. croisade, fr. Pr.
crozada, or Sp cruzada, or It. crociata, from a verb
signifying to take the cross, mark one's self with a cross,
fr. L. crux cross; or possibly taken into English directly
fr. Pr. Cf. {Croisade}, {Crosado}, and see {Cross}.]
1. Any one of the military expeditions undertaken by
Christian powers, in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries,
for the recovery of the Holy Land from the Mohammedans.

2. Any enterprise undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm; as, a
crusade against intemperance.

3. A Portuguese coin. See {Crusado}.

Crusade \Cru*sade"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Crusaded}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Crusading}.]
To engage in a crusade; to attack in a zealous or hot-headed
manner. ``Cease crusading against sense.'' --M. Green.

  1. The leader of a one-man crusade to open a home for people with AIDS has left town, emotionally battered and financially strapped but insisting Wednesday that his was a successful fight to change attitudes.
  2. Mr. Armstrong, whose airline has let him take time off to press his crusade, has met the same sort of reluctance all over this fertile, scenic valley.
  3. These questions came to mind recently as we watched the latest anti-pesticide crusade begin its march through the pages of some newspapers.
  4. Only after dealing with the agency's chief cartographer, did his crusade bear fruit.
  5. Even if the chemicals are burned and buried, she says, it won't slow her crusade.
  6. To enhance a neighborly atmosphere, Mr. Sells also is on a friendliness crusade.
  7. It also provides timely support to Mr Gunter Rexrodt, Germany's economics minister, who says he wants to use his government's EU presidency in the second half of this year to lead a crusade in favour of deregulation.
  8. The Senate version of the genocide implementation bill is officially called "The Proxmire Act" to honor the long crusade of the senator who is closing out a 31-year Senate career.
  9. Throughout the shelling, Aoun portrayed his military campaign as a crusade to rid Lebanon of Syrian troops, who arrived in 1976 under an Arab League peacekeeping mandate but later sided with the Moslems.
  10. At times, his presidential effort has seemed as much crusade as campaign.
  11. A crusade of NO to the consumption of drugs is imperative.
  12. What was needed was a 'relentless crusade' to stand up for the homeless and ill-housed, he said.
  13. Military aid for the Contras and the overthrowal of the present government of Nicaragua has been a major crusade of the journalistic right in this country in recent years, nowhere more so than on these pages.
  14. Well, that crusade for freedom, that crusade for peace, is well under way.
  15. Well, that crusade for freedom, that crusade for peace, is well under way.
  16. So, in 1985, he began a two-year crusade that resulted in the appropriation last year of $1.9 million for the design of the $50 million project.
  17. An extensive selection of Swaggart albums, tapes, videocassettes and books was for sale during the crusade, and volunteers promoted 10 albums or five tapes for $20.
  18. The truth is, Mr. Garment acknowledges, that he is undertaking his pro-Bork crusade on his own and now has "zero" contact with the secluded nominee.
  19. The church has not ruled what sanctions it would apply to local ministers who might help the crusade, but it has given ministers at Jimmy Swaggart Ministries until Oct. 1 to leave or be defrocked.
  20. The prime minister, in Paris for a 34-nation summit, says she hasn't finished her mission as Britain's longest-serving prime minister of the century, and that Heseltine would betray her free-market economic crusade.
  21. In 1957, more than 18,000 people filled Madison Square Garden in New York City as evangelist Billy Graham launched a crusade.
  22. Another Hollywood group joining the crusade is Environmental Media Association, launched in April.
  23. That devastating crusade against everything not totally Marxist lasted until his death in 1976 _ a disquieting omen for any suggestion of change in Iran's new course so long as (Ayatollah Ruhollah) Khomeini is alive.
  24. Mr. Emory retreats and moves on to continue what's become a prickly crusade over American officialdom's management of the 50th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
  25. No more saints." Fujimori says attempts to portray Change 90 as a disguised religious crusade are unfounded.
  26. In his 1977 letter to the Tribune, he said the crusade against "sex-rock" was part of Operation PUSH's educational arm, PUSH-Excel which was aimed at motivating young people to study.
  27. It is from the Bajarang Dal that the BJP footsoldiers were ordered up by the tens of thousands for last fall's Ram temple crusade.
  28. But the save-the-whale forces haven't joined the crusade so far, presumably not wanting to be identified with a U.S. industry that is a frequent target of animal-rights groups.
  29. 'We're breaking down monopolies and making Barcelona competitive.' Either through the effect of Mr Clos' deregulation crusade or through the blunt truth of economic recession, the fact is that Barcelona is less dear than it was.
  30. Vargas Llosa's campaign often had the aspect of a crusade as he condemned the "collectivist" programs of President Alan Garcia and leftist candidates.
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