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 crush [krʌʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 压碎, 粉碎, 群众, 迷恋

vt. 压破, 征服, 塞, 弄皱, 榨出

vi. 被压碎, 起皱, 挤

[化] 破碎; 压碎; 捣碎; 粉碎

[医] 压碎, 碾碎

  1. This machine crushes wheat grain to make flour.
  2. There was such a crush on the train that I could hardly breathe.
  3. The people crushed through the gate.

[ noun ]
  1. leather that has had its grain pattern accentuated

  2. <noun.substance>
  3. a dense crowd of people

  4. <noun.group>
  5. temporary love of an adolescent

  6. <noun.feeling>
  7. the act of crushing

  8. <noun.act>
[ verb ]
  1. come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority

  2. <verb.social> oppress suppress
    The government oppresses political activists
  3. to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition

  4. <verb.contact>
    mash squash squeeze squelch
    crush an aluminum can
    squeeze a lemon
  5. come out better in a competition, race, or conflict

  6. <verb.competition>
    beat beat out shell trounce vanquish
    Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship
    We beat the competition
    Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game
  7. break into small pieces

  8. <verb.change>
    The car crushed the toy
  9. humiliate or depress completely

  10. <verb.emotion>
    demolish smash
    She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation
    The death of her son smashed her
  11. crush or bruise

  12. <verb.contact>
    jam a toe
  13. make ineffective

  14. <verb.competition>
    break down
    Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination
  15. become injured, broken, or distorted by pressure

  16. <verb.change>
    The plastic bottle crushed against the wall

Crush \Crush\ (kr[u^]sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Crushed}
(kr[u^]sht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Crushing}.] [OE. cruschen,
crousshen, Of. cruisir, croissir, fr. LL. cruscire, prob. of
Ger. origin, from a derivative of the word seen in Goth.
kruistan to gnash; akin to Sw. krysta to squeeze, Dan.
kryste, Icel. kreysta.]
1. To press or bruise between two hard bodies; to squeeze, so
as to destroy the natural shape or integrity of the parts,
or to force together into a mass; as, to crush grapes.

Ye shall not offer unto the Lord that which is
bruised, or crushed, or broken, or cut. --Lev. xxii.

The ass . . . thrust herself unto the wall, and
crushed Balaam's foot against the wall. --Num. xxii.

2. To reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding; to
comminute; as, to crush quartz.

3. To overwhelm by pressure or weight; to beat or force down,
as by an incumbent weight.

To crush the pillars which the pile sustain.

Truth, crushed to earth, shall rise again. --Bryant.

4. To oppress or burden grievously.

Thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway.
xxviii. 33.

5. To overcome completely; to subdue totally.

Speedily overtaking and crushing the rebels. --Sir.
W. Scott.

6. to subdue or overwhelm (a person) by argument or a cutting
remark; to cause (a person) to feel chagrin or
humiliation; to squelch.

{To crush a cup}, to drink. [Obs.]

{To crush out}.
(a) To force out or separate by pressure, as juice from
(b) To overcome or destroy completely; to suppress.

Crush \Crush\ (kr[u^]sh), v. i.
To be or become broken down or in, or pressed into a smaller
compass, by external weight or force; as, an eggshell crushes

Crush \Crush\, n.
1. A violent collision or compression; a crash; destruction;

The wreck of matter, and the crush of worlds.

2. Violent pressure, as of a crowd; a crowd which produced
uncomfortable pressure; as, a crush at a reception.

{Crush hat}, a hat which collapses, and can be carried under
the arm, and when expanded is held in shape by springs;
hence, any hat not injured by compressing.

{Crush room}, a large room in a theater, opera house, etc.,
where the audience may promenade or converse during the
intermissions; a foyer.

Politics leave very little time for the bow window
at White's in the day, or for the crush room of the
opera at night. --Macaulay.

  1. "Let's crush the anti-democratic merger that tramples the people's sovereignty!" yelled students, demanding the dissolution of a new governing party created by the merger of Roh's party with two others.
  2. Li paid tribute to the force for helping crush the spring democracy movement, but added, "China faces a long-term struggle and we cannot afford to slacken our vigilance," Xinhua said.
  3. 'They think they can crush the competition before it gets out of the gate,' says Mr Stursberg.
  4. The Census Bureau's monthly report of an August soybean crush of 92.8 million bushels contained no surprises, analysts said.
  5. Aoun began the warfare in January by moving to crush Samir Geagea's militia, the main challenger to Aoun's authority in the Christian region.
  6. Like those attacks, the sack of Bagdad, Mexico, failed to crush the town.
  7. He became disenchanted with Mrs. Aquino, however, accusing her of failing to crush Communist rebels and rid the government of corruption.
  8. Panamanian citizens were tipping off U.S. troops to arms caches to help crush the pro-Noriega resistance and to win a $5,000 reward for such information.
  9. The officials say that meanwhile, they are trying to gain some control over the crush of refugees.
  10. But pharmacists can crush the pills, mix them with alcohol and distilled water and then sell the liquid as a baldness treatment.
  11. Before being whisked away in a limousine, Khashoggi read a handwritten statement to a crush of photographers, reporters and spectators: "I am pleased that the courts have granted me bail.
  12. He resigned Friday after admitting he had called for tanks be used to crush an anti-Communist demonstration last year.
  13. The talks focused on a letter Hrawi drafted to Syrian President Hafez Assad, seeking logistical support to help crush Aoun, said the sources, who spoke on condition they not be named.
  14. The Golden Gate handled as many cars as normally yesterday, but over four hours rather than the usual two-hour crush.
  15. Michel Aoun moved to crush Christian warlord Samir Geagea's Lebanese forces militia.
  16. While the Warsaw march was generally peaceful, troops used clubs, water cannons and tear gas to crush other demonstrations in Gdansk and Wroclaw, dissident sources said.
  17. The uprising has dramatically shifted the focus of the Palestinian cause from the refugee camps in Lebanon, where Syria's proxies fought for years to crush Arafat's forces, to the occupied territories where Assad is powerless to intervene.
  18. Even after the government condemned the student protests as counterrevolutionary and sent the army to crush them June 3-4, many students said privately they had not dropped their goal of reforming China's closed, one-party system.
  19. A former pro-Soviet Polish leader who helped crush the Solidarity movement later followed the woman he loves to the United States and lives a quiet, middle-class life here, The New York Times reported today.
  20. "I wish that time could return." He still pays his monthly party dues of 24 cents, and still believes Deng is one of the greatest figures in Chinese history, despite his orders to crush the spring movement.
  21. Ashlock's case drew international attention when it was reported that Garza, who had a crush on his high school classmate, had told his parents he wanted to leave her his heart after his death.
  22. The invasion used tanks to crush the "Prague Spring" reforms of Alexander Dubcek, who was ousted as Communist Party leader.
  23. At least 68 Sri Lankans and seven Maldivians were arrested after Indian paratroopers landed in Male, the capital of the Maldives, to crush the attempted overthrow.
  24. The crush was so great, Mitton said, that fans fell on the floor and people climbed over them. "All the police were doing was standing up saying `get back, get back.'
  25. Police tried to crush it and failed.
  26. Rates set too low would crush creation of new programming and hinder customer service improvements, and monthly cable rates would increase if cable operators are forced to pay broadcasters retransmission fees, the industry contends.
  27. Wojciech Jaruzelski, who declared martial law in December 1981 to crush the Solidarity labor movement.
  28. With the crush of commercials littering the TV-scape, "what do you do to get noticed?" asks Tom Bruehl, Paramount studio's vice president of video operations, who oversees the commercial unit.
  29. Many locals leave the city during the fiesta to avoid the noise and crush.
  30. Once there, he made his way through a crush of reporters without comment as some spectators applauded.
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