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 crusaders 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 十字军

  1. The crusaders fight for their country.
  2. A member of a secret order of Moslem fanatics who terrorized and killed Christian Crusaders and others.

  1. The action extends what had been a Florida-based campaign by anti-pornography crusaders upset by the album's references to sex acts and genitals.
  2. Ms. Taylor said the High Court is made up of "mean-spirited conservative crusaders who have no experience with poverty and racism." The panelists likened the coming years to the post-Reconstruction period.
  3. "I think it's reached the point of critical mass," says C. Boyden Gray, the White House counsel and one of the Bush administration's leading crusaders for enhancing presidential power.
  4. A growing band of crusaders would like nothing more than to shut the center down.
  5. "I assure you that you will take them captives and shackle them with chains as Moslems did with crusaders" in the 12th century, he told the crowd at Hamzah Mosque in the suburb of Marka, five miles east of Amman.
  6. The show's creators dealt handily with their exposure to attack from non-violence crusaders by tagging on a postscript explaining that "The Simpsons" did not mean to glorify war.
  7. It recalls Adam of Bremen's story of the corpses of sacrificial victims hung like pheasants in the grove at Uppsala. The last room contains spectacular artistic proof of what happened once Thor's worshippers had evolved into pilgrims and crusaders.
  8. "They just love this white stallion stuff, Saladin and all that," said an Asian diplomat, referring to the Arab general who in 1187 recaptured Jerusalem from the European crusaders.
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