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 crusader [kru:'seidә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 十字军战士, 改革者

  1. The crusader took part in the meeting.
  2. The crusaders fight for their country.
  3. He is a crusader for social welfare.

[ noun ]
  1. a disputant who advocates reform

  2. <noun.person>
  3. a warrior who engages in a holy war

  4. <noun.person>
    the Crusaders tried to recapture the Holy Land from the Muslims

Crusader \Cru*sad"er\ (-s?"d?r), n.
One engaged in a crusade; as, the crusaders of the Middle

Azure-eyed and golden-haired,
Forth the young crusaders fared. --Longfellow.

  1. "But I think if I would have done that, I would have been ashamed for the rest of my life." Loftus, the crusader, was once a comfortable insider with a steppingstone resume.
  2. The first mention of the possible existence of Christ's shroud came from French crusader Robert of Clari, who wrote that he saw it in 1203 in the imperial palace in Constantinople.
  3. Her role in the upcoming film "Miss Firecracker," now playing in a few cities, is that of a wanna-be beauty queen, not a partisan crusader.
  4. More than 200,000 anti-government demonstrators poured into downtown Prague today, and Alexander Dubcek, the ousted crusader for reform, arrived in the capital to address the crowd.
  5. In another development, peace crusader Abie Nathan was charged with supporting terrorist organizations because he met in September with PLO chief Yasser Arafat in Tunisia and France.
  6. The suit, brought by local anti-smoking crusader Anne Morrow Donley, contended that the gift shop violated Virginia's recently enacted indoor smoking law.
  7. The unusual has been customary throughout the life of Hammer, a physician, philanthropist, art collector and peace crusader, who's known every Soviet leader since Lenin - and rarely lets anyone forget it.
  8. Harvey had been defending himself in state court here as a crusader for people's constitutional rights.
  9. Bush praised her "historic and courageous speech" denouncing the tactics of 1950s anti-communism crusader Sen. Joseph McCarthy.
  10. A lawyer who began kidney dialysis 18 years ago because he had good medical insurance and was considered a worthy risk for treatment eventually became a crusader for others less fortunate.
  11. Beland Honderich, chief executive of Torstar Corp. and an outspoken crusader for populist causes as publisher of the Toronto Star, Canada's largest-circulation daily newspaper, will retire effective Sept. 30.
  12. But he added, "That won't happen this morning." Roy Cohn, who as an aide to Sen. Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s made his reputation as an anti-communist crusader, was himself investigated by the FBI for communist links, a newspaper reported Monday.
  13. What kind of a person does a face suggest? Fonda didn't have a ready answer, even though neutrality is impossible for this self-styled crusader.
  14. Anti-drug crusader Dick Zellaha was ousted as mayor in that recall on Dec. 15, and his successor, rival Duane Worley, was officially recalled Jan. 20.
  15. The crusader against drugs apparently has a PCP habit.
  16. SEAN MACBRIDE, in his teens an Irish Republican Army guerrilla leader, in his later years an international jurist and crusader for disarmament and human rights, winner of both the Nobel and Lenin peace prizes.
  17. A judge has dismissed charges against a 75-year-old anti-tax crusader accused of plotting earlier this year to kill then-Mayor Henry Cisneros, ruling the defendant had been entrapped.
  18. On August 18, Sen. Luis Carlos Galan, an anti-drug crusader and a governing Liberal Party presidential candidate, was assassinated by drug traffickers at a rally outside Bogota.
  19. Mrs. Smith, 91, the former Republican senator and congresswoman from Maine, gained fame for her speech denouncing the tactics of 1950s anti-communism crusader Sen. Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin.
  20. But the heartthrob of the teeny-bopper set also is an active crusader against toxic wastes.
  21. After a little prodding from a well-heeled health crusader, the nation's top four hamburger chains agree: french fry lovers need an oil change.
  22. The chief sponsor is Paul Gann, the tax crusader who helped spearhead property tax-slashing Proposition 13 a decade ago, and who is now suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome because of a tainted blood transfusion.
  23. Throughout the entire period he was a crusader for disarmament.
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