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 controls 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. A procedure in which an instruction is broken down into the microcode operations necessary for its execution by a control unit.
  2. There are strict controls on immigration into this country.

  1. But AT&T now is under a regulatory scheme that controls its prices within a prescribed range of "caps" tied to the rate of inflation, not its profits.
  2. VALUE OF NIGERIA'S CURRENCY FALLS Nigeria's currency slumped in value to 17.9 naira from 10.5 to the dollar amid confusion after Lagos scrapped controls and threw the currency market wide open.
  3. Among other things, says one U.S. official scheduled to attend the talks, export controls will likely be ended for all PC models, including the most advanced generation using Intel Corp.'s i486 chips.
  4. Teikoku Data Bank said 68 real estate companies with debts totaling 143.3 billion yen failed in April under the weight of continued high interest rates and government controls on lending.
  5. Though the subject lies dormant now, there are more than 200 communities with some form of residential rent controls, most adopted during periods of rapid general inflation in the 1970s, and most in the Northeast and California.
  6. Pacific Scientific makes restraint equipment, instruments, motors and controls.
  7. One of the advantages of the global equity market that has emerged since the liberalisation of exchange controls in the 1980s is that it enables countries to seek international solutions to a wider range of domestic economic problems.
  8. The influential Keidanren business lobby singled out the U.S. and European Community, and urged world trade regulators to tighten controls on any anti-competitive abuses.
  9. The Senate earlier in the week rejected some of the same smog controls.
  10. But it will include trimming purchased material costs, eliminating "internal inefficiencies" and "redundancies" and improving controls on product design and manufacturing costs in Chrysler's vehicle-making and selling operations, the company said.
  11. Mr. Lobato, who with his wife, LeAnn M. Lobato, owns 28.9% of the company, said it "lacks competent management and internal controls."
  12. More than 90 have been ordered already. Computerised controls seem here to stay and the powers in the world of aviation are stacked up behind them.
  13. A blueprint for the necessary measures is provided by the agreement of nine member states to abolish passport controls at their common frontiers.
  14. He said required stricter controls were needed to ensure order, the agency reported.
  15. Smog-causing pollutants, or ozone, are reduced through controls on automobiles and industry, with annual pollution improvements of 4 percent a year required over first six years.
  16. The House by a 401-21 margin approved pollution controls late Wednesday on factories, automobiles and electric power plants.
  17. Chris, the son of a commercial pilot, first took the controls of a plane at age 4, and began flying with an instructor at 7.
  18. On Dec. 18, controls on foreign exchange were lifted.
  19. Analysts said one problem Xerox may face with the software is that it is designed with an out-of-date "user interface," the on-screen graphics and symbols through which the user controls the computer.
  20. Most analysts do not expect much to happen on July 1 since many capital controls already have been lifted.
  21. The rigid market controls destroyed incentives and the ability of China's once-thriving markets to transmit information freely via prices.
  22. These matters include tentative rules on industrial subsidies, on tighter anti-dumping controls and on investment, and a plan for bringing textile trade, which has been governed by a separate agreement, under the GATT framework.
  23. Mr. Monroe said ComputerLand fired the employees and later closed its Hong Kong office, ended its Chinese operations and instituted rigorous controls in Australia.
  24. The company has 4,410,459 shares outstanding; Mr. Murray controls about 14%.
  25. Last week, a federal appeals court ruled that the government could place broad controls on Princeton/Newport's assets to preserve property that might have to be forfeited, should the partners be convicted on RICO charges.
  26. The company said income growth and improved profit margins reflected strong unit volume gains, a better product mix, continuing cost controls, productivity increases and the favorable effect of foreign exchange.
  27. They recommend installing protective lighting, closed-circuit televisions, access controls and sealed windows in vulnerable locations.
  28. Aoun controls the enclave with some 20,000 soldiers still loyal to him.
  29. D.S. Kennedy controls 1,287,030 common shares of Cleveland-Cliffs, assuming the conversion of some preferred stock that it holds.
  30. The controls on cooperatives appeared relatively liberal when first introduced.
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