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 controversial [,kɒntrә'vә:ʃәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 争论的, 论争的, 被议论的

  1. Many of the new taxes are controversial.
  2. Not wanting to make my controversial views known yet, I preferred to follow the crowd for a while.
  3. A controversial film that set the entertainment world on its ear.

[ adj ]
marked by or capable of arousing controversy
the issue of the death penalty is highly controversialRushdie's controversial book
a controversial decision on affirmative action

Controversial \Con`tro*ver"sial\, a. [Cf. LL. controversialis.]
Relating to, or consisting of, controversy; disputatious;
polemical; as, controversial divinity.

Whole libraries of controversial books. --Macaulay.

  1. But the most controversial section of the legislation was the plan to overhaul the law that blocks new products with any element of futurity from trading on a securities exchange.
  2. Both were protesting at the government's decision to proceed with controversial general elections.
  3. The highly controversial theory says such impacts kicked up dust and triggered smoky fires that blocked enough sunlight to freeze many creatures and deprive others of food supplies.
  4. The other method for breaking up oil spills _ pouring dispersants into the water _ is controversial because of the toxicity of the chemicals.
  5. 'We should programme difficult things, special festival events. If we are doing our job well, drama will always be controversial.
  6. The most controversial lobbying effort by Wright was the pressure he put on federal regulators to go easy on Texas thrift institutions that were failing due to a weak economy.
  7. The 38-year-old doctrine requires broadcasters airing controversial material to give opponents free air time to respond.
  8. The public takes little or no interest in the sexual habits of public figures, whether they are business people, judges or politicians. Demonstrations of personal sexuality are in some ways less controversial in France than the US or the UK.
  9. Only about 300 peers attend debates regularly, and in May the government had to summon non-attenders to ensure passage of a controversial property tax bill.
  10. "It's controversial as to when they should go back into the prisons," she added. "Going back is important to recover the feeling of being in control of your life." Some never go back.
  11. The phrase refers to the date and place where Ramirez made his controversial comment.
  12. Salomon has upset some bond managers by this month including Italy in its world index, because some doubt whether Italian debt can any longer be regarded as of high quality. The use of equity indices can be controversial, too.
  13. But the government's response has been to lower salaries, a controversial solution in a country where most workers earn less than $30 a week.
  14. THE IRS STILL HOPES to settle controversial audits of small pension plans.
  15. Japan's upper house of parliament voted to approve a controversial bill that would allow Japanese troops to serve overseas on peacekeeping missions for the first time since the end of the Second World War.
  16. His controversial tactics are the focus of the new Warner Bros. film "Lean on Me."
  17. CHICAGO _ Chicago Mercantile Exchange membership votes on proposed dual-trading restrictions that would ban the controversial practice in most of the Merc's financial futures markets.
  18. Officials suggested further talks with Egypt before pursuing a controversial proposal for Israeli-Palestinian talks.
  19. Though he speaks only two words, the commercial has taught him that advertising can be as controversial as politics.
  20. IBM and Apple will announce soon that a controversial IBM executive has been named to head the key part of their joint venture.
  21. Auditors hired by the Illinois Commerce Commission ruled that Commonwealth Edison Co. wasted nearly $872 million during construction of its controversial Braidwood 1 nuclear plant.
  22. Some controversial matters remain unresolved, such as how to harmonize the rates of value-added tax, a sort of national sales tax, that currently range from zero to 38% according to the country and the goods sold.
  23. Its most controversial point seeks backing for moves to create a common central bank.
  24. "We're all aware of the fact this effort is going to be complex and is a little controversial," said Richard Herold, a lawyer and chairman of the 20-member panel.
  25. The trustees' biggest and perhaps most controversial responsibility will be to determine how to divide the fund among some 195,000 women who claim the Shield caused injuries such as pelvic inflammatory disease, septic abortion and infertility.
  26. The 371-55 vote on a bill to elevate the Environmental Protection Agency to Cabinet-level came after a lengthy dispute over whether the measure was being weighed down with too many controversial requirements that might threaten a veto.
  27. Ms. Perez said Mrs. Bush had adopted a new policy on controversial issues such as guns and abortion.
  28. Certainly nobody, the Bs aside, says anything truly controversial.
  29. The most controversial part of the HHS spending plan is likely to be Reagan's request for $1.2 billion in Medicare cuts which he says are required to meet an agreed target of a $3.5 million reduction.
  30. For its part, the EC should promise a similar study into its equally controversial policies.
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