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 contused wound 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    Contuse \Con*tuse"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Contused}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Contusing}.] [L. contusus, p. p. of contundere to
    beat, crush; con- + tundere to beat, akin to Skr. tud (for
    stud) to strike, Goth. stautan. See {Stutter}.]
    1. To beat, pound, or bray together.

    Roots, barks, and seeds contused together. --Bacon.

    2. To bruise; to injure or disorganize a part without
    breaking the skin.

    {Contused wound}, a wound attended with bruising.

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