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 contumacy ['kɑntjʊməsɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 拒不服从, 反抗权威

[法] 不听法院命令, 藐视法庭

    [ noun ]
    1. willful refusal to appear before a court or comply with a court order; can result in a finding of contempt of court

    2. <noun.act>
    3. obstinate rebelliousness and insubordination; resistance to authority

    4. <noun.act>

    Contumacy \Con"tu*ma*cy\, n.; pl. {Contumacies}. [L. contumacia,
    fr. contumax, -acis, insolent; prob. akin to contemnere to
    despise: cf. F. contumace. Cf. {Contemn}.]
    1. Stubborn perverseness; pertinacious resistance to

    The bishop commanded him . . . to be thrust into the
    stocks for his manifest and manifold contumacy.

    2. (Law) A willful contempt of, and disobedience to, any
    lawful summons, or to the rules and orders of court, as a
    refusal to appear in court when legally summoned.

    Syn: Stubbornness; perverseness; obstinacy.

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