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 awe [ɔ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 敬畏

vt. 使敬畏

  1. The children stared at the teacher with awe.
  2. The silence awed the boy.
  3. We all listened to the venerable scholar with awe.

[ noun ]
  1. an overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration

  2. <noun.feeling>
    he stared over the edge with a feeling of awe
  3. a feeling of profound respect for someone or something

  4. <noun.feeling>
    the fear of God
    the Chinese reverence for the dead
    the French treat food with gentle reverence
    his respect for the law bordered on veneration
[ verb ]
  1. inspire awe in

  2. <verb.emotion>
    The famous professor awed the undergraduates

Awe \Awe\ ([add]), n. [OE. a[yogh]e, aghe, fr. Icel. agi; akin
to AS. ege, [=o]ga, Goth. agis, Dan. ave chastisement, fear,
Gr. 'a`chos pain, distress, from the same root as E. ail.
[root]3. Cf. {Ugly}.]
1. Dread; great fear mingled with respect. [Obs. or

His frown was full of terror, and his voice
Shook the delinquent with such fits of awe.

2. The emotion inspired by something dreadful and sublime; an
undefined sense of the dreadful and the sublime;
reverential fear, or solemn wonder; profound reverence.

There is an awe in mortals' joy,
A deep mysterious fear. --Keble.

To tame the pride of that power which held the
Continent in awe. --Macaulay.

The solitude of the desert, or the loftiness of the
mountain, may fill the mind with awe -- the sense of
our own littleness in some greater presence or
power. --C. J. Smith.

{To stand in awe of}, to fear greatly; to reverence

Syn: See {Reverence}.

Awe \Awe\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Awed} (?); p. pr. & vb. n.
To strike with fear and reverence; to inspire with awe; to
control by inspiring dread.

That same eye whose bend doth awe the world. --Shak.

His solemn and pathetic exhortation awed and melted the
bystanders. --Macaulay.

  1. "People still stand in awe of the emperor, but there is a real sense of intimacy with the crown prince and princess," said Yasuo Shigeta, Akihito's longtime chamberlain.
  2. He has survived in confrontational politics to the point that he is respected and regarded with awe, but not love.
  3. "Awe and wonder, you gave us awe and wonder," actress Dame Peggy Ashcroft told him at the time.
  4. His fans, in awe of his output, wonder how he does it.
  5. Mr Smith also took a substantial shareholding in another resource company, Geevor, which started as a Cornish tin miner. Acquaintances speak in awe of Mr Smith's capacity for hard work.
  6. Great musicians and rare instruments come together for a tribute to Antonio Stradivari, the 17th-century master craftsman whose violins and cellos still inspire awe.
  7. These are the "days of awe" for Jews, and some of their leaders compare it to the time preceding national elections, which also involves making critical choices.
  8. I have come away in awe.
  9. "His sense of face and dignity is extremely important," said another U.S. analyst. "He governs by ruthlessness and fear and awe.
  10. "I am asking you today to send a contribution of $16." I am in awe; You, Bob, can make it to the presidency if a few selected friends send $16.
  11. "There is a sense of awe at how brilliantly Bush has handled this," said House Minority Whip Newt Gingrich, R-Ga.
  12. Were we really so much in awe of American and Continental abstraction all those years ago that we could not see what was under our noses?
  13. If the book has a failing, it is Mr. Hayes's insufficient awe of Ms. Fossey's immense physical courage.
  14. "I went up to this man and I introduced myself and let him know I was just in awe.
  15. "At the same time, I don't think there's a sense of awe or a feeling we've got somebody in there who can keep up with Gorbachev," Ornstein said.
  16. For a youthful generation seemingly inured to media violence, this arsenal has lost much of its power to awe or terrify.
  17. Says Albert Flaig, a farmer from Arkansas who is in Tokyo for the first time to attend an agriculture conference: "I'm in awe of the prices.
  18. Montesinos recalls being in awe of those women.
  19. But the 17 students from high schools in 15 states and the District of Columbia walked away from the memorial with a sense of awe that they can convey to the millions of tourists who climb the same steps each year.
  20. The British government, for instance, appears to walk in awe of the building societies.
  21. But he is still in awe of the diminutive gentleman with a booming voice who preceded him as congressman from Detroit.
  22. Traders watched in awe as Apple fell yesterday, finishing down 7 3/4 points to 47 1/4 on 16.6 million shares.
  23. 'I've still got a Pounds 10 bet with him that it will never be the Fosters championship but I don't suppose I'll collect it now.' When Tobin shakes his head over Wimbledon, it is with respectful awe.
  24. But given the public awe in which the queen is held, turning her into a stage character is a daring ploy, unprecedented in mainstream British theater.
  25. He was the object of considerable awe from those of us who learned of his weekend extracurriculars.
  26. "I am in great awe and respect for the jury system that symbolizes the soul of the American people," the widow of former Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos said after the verdict Monday on her 61st birthday.
  27. "When the older generation left Japan the emperor was almost like a Russian Czar, surrounded by religious awe.
  28. Dexter just had a whole other langauge, altogether. You'd hardly hear what he was saying because you'd be in awe of how he was delivering it.
  29. "One of the hostages in Lebanon was released a couple of years ago," he says in a voice of real awe, "and he reported that one of the rooms where he was kept for a while had a bed, a toilet and an Elvis poster."
  30. In his first encounters with the Supreme Court, as a law clerk to Justice Robert H. Jackson in the early 1950s, Mr. Rehnquist's dominant reaction, as he tells it, was one of awe.
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