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 awe-struck ['ɔ`strʌk添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 充满敬畏的

  1. We were awe-struck by this outpouring of love, inspiration, and energy.

Awe-struck \Awe"-struck`\, a.
Struck with awe. --Milton.

  1. "I'm awe-struck," admitted comic Aykroyd, nominated for his first dramatic role in a film. "I've appeared on the academy show as a presenter, but never as a nominee." The awards presentation will be held Monday.
  2. Yet even those who are 40-something, 50-something, 60-something and beyond seem awe-struck by recent events.
  3. When the singing reaches a peak, Mr. Treurnicht, dressed like a church elder in a dark suit and white shirt, appears in the hall and walks to the stage through an honor guard of well-scrubbed, awe-struck students.
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