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 awesome ['ɒ:sәm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 引起敬畏的, 可怕的

  1. It's awesome.
  2. Everything happened at once. The view of the skyline is at once awesome, grand, and disappointing.
  3. An awesome thunderstorm.

[ adj ]
inspiring awe or admiration or wonder
New York is an amazing citythe Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight
the awesome complexity of the universe
this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath
Westminster Hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent

Awesome \Awe"some\, a.
1. Causing awe; appalling; awful; as, an awesome sight.

2. Expressive of awe or terror.

An awesome glance up at the auld castle. --Sir W.

  1. Until the early 1980s, transplant surgery was an experimental procedure confined to a handful of hospitals where doctors battled, usually in vain, against the human immune system's awesome power to reject foreign invaders, especially other human tissue.
  2. It is an awesome sight to seem him approach a mesmerised female crooning 'You want a hot dog in your roll'; and only a man of impeccable middle-class origins could get away with tales of shipboard life during his gay youth.
  3. Others say the city _ and the nation _ faced an awesome reconstruction task after World War II.
  4. Having been president of Korea, he said, he is aware of the "awesome power" the president has and added, "So I am for checks on presidential power.
  5. Among the most impressive is the late Joseph Beuys's "Blitzschlag mit Lichtstein auf Hirsch," an awesome assemblage of amorphous bronze forms, stones, steel rods and machinery.
  6. Ten years of teacher reform have produced "awesome" amounts of legislation but left unsettled whether teachers are full-fledged professionals or merely "semiskilled workers," said a Rand Corp. report released Monday.
  7. Says the head of investment banking at a major rival, "They're awesome."
  8. "It is absolutely awesome.
  9. In a post-Cold War era, Americans don't want awesome weapons of destruction intruding on their consciousness.
  10. For three days the experts from a half-dozen Western countries depressed each other with talk of the frayed fragility of the Western alliance and marveled among themselves at the awesome abilities of Mr. Gorbachev.
  11. In this situation, even modest price inflation could have an awesome impact on earnings, Mr. Kudlow says.
  12. We must not forget that the Soviet Union has acquired awesome military capabilities.
  13. An "awesome" aftershock to last month's deadly earthquake jolted Northern California, but the only harm appeared to be more jangled nerves, authorities said today.
  14. "That's awesome power for one man to wield.
  15. I will continue through this awesome burden, continue what I'm doing." The last time Bush was in the hospital was May 10 when he underwent a routine physical examination.
  16. KLM may do especially well out of a merger if, as seems probable, its Amsterdam hub provided the combined airline's operational centre. Yet the complexities remain awesome.
  17. She said the Great Wall was "awesome." Hansel, who sells processing equipment in China, helped work out the trip after the band was one of eight to play in the 1986 New Year's Day Parade of Roses in Pasadena, Calif.
  18. The train is highballing through an awesome crack in the Earth's surface, on a scenic journey to nowhere and back.
  19. If unchecked, the erosion means cracks, bumps and muddy potholes may eventually dot what some consider the world's smoothest road, rendering the area less level, less awesome and less commercially viable.
  20. Eleven-year-old visitor Justin DiCarlo of Putnam County, N.Y., called it "awesome" and "turbuloso." Much of the 100,000 square-foot pavilion is given over to a collection of participatory exhibits.
  21. "The responsibilities of the guardian in this instance are awesome" because of the woman's extensive brain injury and because the only type of abortion she could have would involve a very high risk, McCaffrey said.
  22. It's a little awesome." Laboratory supervisor Dr. Robert Nemanich said the program receives $250,000 in federal funds and that within his field many scientists "would like to see an increase in support in these areas.
  23. "To take a human life, even that of someone who is not innocent, is awesome and tragic," the bishops said in a statement released April 14, adding that the state lacks justification for it.
  24. Their leaderships are discredited in the public's eye both for clinging to power, and as a result of the Milan corruption scandal and the awesome extent of the abuse of power exposed.
  25. The power of the launch was awesome and the telescope has an awesome power," Norman said.
  26. The power of the launch was awesome and the telescope has an awesome power," Norman said.
  27. We can offer technical training and assistance in drafting laws and regulations and new technologies for tackling these awesome problems.
  28. Seen from Chisasibi, a Cree village of 2,500 about 80 miles to the west on the shore of James Bay, the development is equally awesome.
  29. A boy called long distance from New York to say the program was "awesome," Brock said.
  30. "At that time, an awesome responsibility falls to the daughter, and she has to do a real quick study," says Barbara Hollander, a family business consultant in Pittsburgh.
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