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 awed   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ adj ]
    1. having or showing a feeling of mixed reverence and respect and wonder and dread

    2. <adj.all>
      stood in awed silence before the shrine
      in grim despair and awestruck wonder
    3. inspired by a feeling of fearful wonderment or reverence

    4. <adj.all>
      awed by the silence
      awful worshippers with bowed heads

    Awe \Awe\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Awed} (?); p. pr. & vb. n.
    To strike with fear and reverence; to inspire with awe; to
    control by inspiring dread.

    That same eye whose bend doth awe the world. --Shak.

    His solemn and pathetic exhortation awed and melted the
    bystanders. --Macaulay.

    1. Mr. Siegel had become awed by the vast wealth he saw Mr. Boesky amassing.
    2. Bentsen has been masterful at gathering campaign contributions from normally GOP sources, a fact that has Republicans awed and a bit peeved.
    3. But consumers may be awed by the product's tiny size, its portability and its ability to record their other CDs and tapes.
    4. Bryan had frequent meetings with Borman during the 15 years at Eastern of the former astronaut _ who once awed Bryan _ but he says he's never heard a word from Lorenzo and has gotten no more than "a cold-fish handshake" from Bakes.
    5. He had answered the first of many questions about that alien body that had awed humans since their beginning.
    6. Classmates, awed by his math skills, called him "the wizard."
    7. She still seems slightly titillated by the glamour of it all and admits she was awed by the girls of the chorus line when she first joined the staff.
    8. It was the pits before." On Wednesday night, awed fashion designers and retailers proclaimed Diana radiant and divine when she appeared at a party in her honor.
    9. You hate to do business against them," said one awed competitor, Michael Boylan, the president of Macfadden Holdings, in 1986.
    10. Officials in the north Bavarian city of Hof near the East German border barred traffic from downtown because of a massive influx of visitors awed by the relative opulence of the West.
    11. "He is neither awed by powerful politicians nor subject to the hunger that drives them," Mr. Clark intoned to a dinner crowd of executives in Chicago.
    12. They are no longer awed by the Israeli military might that for so long cowed them into submission.
    13. Researchers at AT&T Bell Labs say they're awed that Santa always manages to pick the best route.
    14. A British passenger awed by the snowcapped mountains he saw from fjords on a recent voyage said it was like "sailing through Switzerland."
    15. Developer Wislow, who now sits on the Marwen board, was awed at the way the young artists tackled the jobs.
    16. Now, we are as awed as the next person reading accounts of how a single financier can pony up nearly $1 billion to settle his legal problems.
    17. Moller, 51, calls his machines "volantors," referring to quick, nimble flight like that of the hummingbird that awed him since he was a 6-year-old child.
    18. Coca-Cola had experimented with its own fast-pour technology and is said to be less than awed.
    19. Juries are often awed by celebrities and wind up deciding in their favor, court observers say.
    20. How can you not sound like yourself?" The jurors were "awed by a superstar and the performance that was put on," said Malcolm Burnstein, a lawyer for Fantasy Records.
    21. To me, they seemed like curious country boys who were awed by the big city.
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