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 生成解 [shēng chéng jiě添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] generating solution

  1. 本文给出了一个新的生成解定理和一个新的爱因斯坦-麦克斯威场方程的严格
    In this paper we have reached a new theorem on generation solutions and a new exact solution of Einstein-Maxwell Eguations.
  2. 对灰色半生成算法进行研究,提出基于灰色半生成的密钥分存方案。
    The paper makes rematch on grey half-generation arithmetic and puts forward a secret sharing scheme based on the grey half- generation.
  3. 本文讨论了根据一个生成解定理,由史瓦希外部生成的静态电磁真空的奇异性和视界。
    This thesis discusses the singularity and the horizon of a static electromagnetic vacuum solution generated from Schwarzchild outside solution, on the basis of the theorem generation solution.

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