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 生料釉 [shēng liào yòu添加此单词到默认生词本
[陶瓷] raw glaze

  1. 研究了低温快烧生料釉配方组成上的难点。
    The formulation difficult points of the low-temperature and quick-burning and raw glass were studied.
  2. 制备出快烧低温生料釉,从DTA、TGA和热膨胀系数三方面对其快烧性能进行了分析。
    Analyzed the quick-burning characters of low-temperature and quick-burning and raw glass from DTA TGA and the hot coefficient , which were prepared.
  3. 公司研制了一系列应用于建材陶瓷,日用陶瓷行业各种生产条件下使用的熔块生料釉、化妆土等产品。
    Guo sheng develops various products like flux glaze raw material glaze used in all kinds of production of condition of building material pottery , daily used pottery and so on.

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