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 生杀予夺 添加此单词到默认生词本
hold power over sb.'s life and property

  1. 这位身居高职的人物手握对众多人口的生杀予夺大权。
  2. 这位身居高职的人物手握对众多人口的生杀予夺大权。
    The man in high position has power of life and death over many people.
  3. 总在慨叹人类为了自己的欲望随意的生杀予夺的同时,也为自然界中一切慷慨赴爱的壮举感动。
    As I sigh with regret about man killing other creatures to satisfy his own desires, I am also deeply moved by those creatures who pursue love at the expense of their own lives.

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