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 生效部分 [shēng xiào bù fen添加此单词到默认生词本
operative part

  1. 即使投保人已缴付部分或全部保险费,保险合同仍未生效
    The insurance contract may still be void even after the insured has paid part or all of premium.
  2. 第五部分为结语,指出了加强人身保险合同的成立与生效的研究,在我国当今社会中的意义。
    The part five forecasts that if we strengthen the research of the formation and validation of personal insurance contract, we will find it is a great significance in nowadays society in China.
  3. 具转瞬异能的牌在堆叠上时,如果某触发式异能将在结算的中途使用咒语,则此部分的效应不会生效
    If the resolution of a triggered ability involves playing a spell, that part of the effect won't work if a spell with split second is on the stack.

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