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 实际位姿 [shí jì wèi zī添加此单词到默认生词本
attained pose

  1. 这种标定方法把机器人实际位姿和相应的关节角误差分别作为前馈神经网络的输入和输出来训练网络,从而获得机器人任意位姿时的关节角误差值,通过修改关节值来提高机器人的位姿精度。
    This method took the robot actual poses and corresponding joint errors as inputs and outputs of a feed-forward neural network respectively, so as to achieve the real-time joint errors in arbitrary pose through the neural network, and pose accuracy was improved only through correcting the joints angles.
  2. 文摘:本文就国内外近年来比较流行的机器人位姿误差建模矩阵法和矢量法进行综合介绍,通过对每种方法的提出、主要公式推导、特点和应用情况的详细论述,可便于同行对机器人位姿误差建模方法的研究现状有所了解而进行深入研究或在实际中加以合理应用。
    Abstract: This paer conducts reviewing recent methods of establishing robotic pose error models in common use in recent years at home and abroad.By thoroughly discussing each method's presentation,primary formulae deriving,characteristics and application,this paper makes it convenient for our colleagues to understand the status of studying robot pose error modelling methods so as to make deep studies of them and rationally apply them in practice.

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