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 实际厚度 添加此单词到默认生词本
actual (real) thickness

  1. 研究结果表明,实验得到的厚度实际厚度一致。
    Cortical thickness was also obtained by comparing with the theoretical results.
  2. 本文考虑超导同步发电机绕组和屏蔽筒的实际厚度,导出了一种磁场计算的解析方法。
    In the present paper an analytical method of magnetic field calculation of superconducting generator is derived, taking account of the actual thickness of the windings and the shields.
  3. 在海冰厚度方面,首先从视频中提取出含有海冰断面的图像,对系统进行标定后再运用投影比例的关系计算出海冰的实际厚度
    In the thickness aspect, the image contains the ice section has to be extracted from the video. Then the ice thickness can be calculated using the projection principle after calibration of the system.

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