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 实际占有人 [shí jì zhàn yǒu rén添加此单词到默认生词本
[法] actual holder

  1. 在单纯转移机动车占有情形下,应由实际占有人承担全部赔偿责任。
    in the simply transference of possess of the vehicles, the practical possessor shall burden all the compensation liability.
  2. 土地使用权未确定或土地权属纠纷未解决的,土地使用税由土地的实际使用占有人缴纳。
    Where the land use right is not certain or the land ownership is pending, the land use tax shall be paid by the actual land user or the actual land holder.
  3. 房地产抵押,是指抵押以其合法的房地产在不转移实际占有的前提下,向抵押权提供债务履行担保的行为。
    real estate mortgage refers to the mortgagor its legitimate transfer physical possession of the property without the prerequisite to the mortgagee to provide debt guarantees.

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