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 实心地板 添加此单词到默认生词本
solid floor

  1. 这个矿物持续穿过大厅的地板,就像实心石块一样摆放在卢塞恩的石英岩上。
    This minerality is continued through to the hall floor, in Lucerne quartzite laid as opus incertum.
  2. 浇筑了新加强的钢筋混凝土地基并插入了钢梁支持来支持现有的实心粘土砖墙和地板
    New reinforced concrete foundations were poured and steel beams inserted to support the existing solid brick walls and floors over .
  3. 该建筑的外壳采用实心砖墙,钢筋混凝土天花板,地板,钢筋混凝土柱。
    The shell construction of the facade consists of solid brick walls, reinforced concrete ceilings and floors, and steel encased concrete columns.

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