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 实心墙 [shí xīn qiáng添加此单词到默认生词本
[建] solid wall

  1. 甚至透过实心的门和看东西。
    Even see through solid doors and walls.
  2. 活动区域是长方形,一面是实心墙,其它三面是可收回的玻璃。
    The living area takes the form of a simple rectangular square with one solid wall and retractable glass all around.
  3. 苏联最近有好几个报道说,有人能够用手指感知和辨认不同的颜色,甚至可以透过实心的门和也可以做到。
    In the Soviet Union several cases have been reported recently of people who can read and detect colors with their fingers, and even see through solid doors and walls.

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