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 实心板 添加此单词到默认生词本
[木] solid plate
solid slab

  1. 并阐述了该技术在施工中应注意的事项及其优点,得出了空心在大跨结构中优于实心板的结论。
    The technology attention in construction is focused with the merit, the hollow slab is prior to the solid slab in large span structure.
  2. 本文在经典弹性薄理论的基础上,通过拟法将双向空心等效为正交各向异性的实心板,建立无梁空心楼的平衡方程。
    Based on elastic theory, in this paper cast-in-situ RC hollow flat slab is converted to orthotropic plates by the pseudo-plates theory and the equilibrium equation is built.
  3. 介绍叶茂互通立交设计的概况,综述立交匝道跨线桥的总体设计及实心板在中、小跨径弯桥中的应用前景。
    The paper describes in general the design of Yemao Interchange and the overall design of the ramp flyover, it also specifies the application future of solid slab in medium and small sized bridges.

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