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 实心砌体 [shí xīn qì tǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
solid masonry

  1. 摘要依据黄河淤泥承重多孔砖砌体的抗压试验,对其砌体结构的整体变形进行分析,对黄河淤泥承重多孔砖砌体的应力-应变曲线、试件的破坏过程、破坏特征等进行了系统的研究,为黄河淤泥承重多孔砖砌体替代实心粘土砖的推广应用打下了基础。
    Based on the compressive experiment with the Yellow River silt bearing cellular bricking structures, it is analyzed their unitary deformation performance and systematically studied their stress-strain curve, destructive process and characters ,etc., so as to lay a foundation for the wide use of the Yellow River silt bearing cellular bricking structures instead of solid clay ones.

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