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 勇挑重担 [yǒng tiāo zhòng dàn添加此单词到默认生词本
be brave to take on heavy responsibilities

  1. 去年,他们把这些想法写成书本《勇挑重担》。
    Last year, they put these ideas and more in their book Do Hard Tings.
  2. 推行全面预算管理。5、不畏艰难,勇挑重担
    the implementation of a comprehensive budget management. 5, brave, heavy responsibilities.
  3. 她牢记誓言,心系职工,勇挑重担,甘当公仆的感人事迹,赢得了人们的交口称赞。
    She remembers oath well, the heart fastens a worker, brave carries weight, pleasant is become the touching achievement of public servant, won people hand in a mouth to praise.

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