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 公平市场价格 添加此单词到默认生词本
fair market value

  1. 他们很容易就串通起来压低公平市场价格
    They can easily collude to ensure that they pay less than the fair market price.
  2. 除此之外,你还可以获得一个该财产的公平市场价格的税务抵减。
    Additionally you can obtain a tax deduction for the fair market value of the property.
  3. 在大市场中只有少数是交易员,他们很容易就串通起来压低公平市场价格;他们通过较高的价格卖出大豆以大幅度提高利润。
    With only a few traders at each mandi, they can easily collude to ensure that they pay less than the fair market price; they can then boost their profits by selling on the beans at a higher price.

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