公平税 fair tax
- 公平税-报告鼓吹扩大税基-依据是创造公平竞争环境需要足够的资源。
Taxes for equity - the report advocates broad based taxes - on the basis that leveling the playing field will require adequate resources. - 上轮竞选中的第二名麦克•赫卡比提出用30%的联邦销售税完全替代联邦税制,这项税被非常灵巧地冠以'公平税'之名,意图误导选民。
Mike Huckabee, the runner-up for the nomination last time around, suggested replacing the entire federal tax code with a 30% federal sales tax, deftly if misleadingly branded as the "fair tax". - 再者,社会公平是建立在等同的税收政策上的,霍布斯还提议征收消费税,如此一来,富人就会因为消费得多,而缴纳相对公平的税收份额。
Equal justice, he tells us, requires equal taxation policy and he seems to be proposing a kind of consumption tax so that the rich, who consume more will have to pay their fair share.