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 三元关系 添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] ternary relation

  1. 这种交际是一种包括原文作者、译者和译文读者在内的三元关系
    Thus translation should be Ternary Relation: the author, the translator and the reader of translation.
  2. 讨论了格的几种三元关系及其相应同构间的联系。
    This paper describes the above ternary relations and the connections among their relevant isomorphisms.
  3. 传统的交际观由于自身的局限不能很好地处理翻译过程中原作者、译者和译文读者之间的三元关系
    Traditional perspectives on communicative activity, because of their own limitation, can not deal successfully with the ternary relation among author, translator and reader.

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