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 unrecognizable   添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 不可识别的

    [ adj ]
    defying recognition as e.g. because of damage or alteration

    1. "This indictment has been stressed and mangled so much that is unrecognizable," said Jose Quinon, another defense attorney.
    2. The body of the assassin was not found and his vehicle was unrecognizable.
    3. "My design was unrecognizable except for the blue and gold Sunoco diamond on one side."
    4. "My guess is that if all of these trends continue for the next three or four years, we will see a Soviet Union almost unrecognizable from the one that we have become familiar with," Seitz said.
    5. State officials acknowledge that Walden took a beating when little was done to prevent visitors from causing erosion and much done to render the pond unrecognizable to its 19th-century admirers.
    6. The screen shows two distorted, unrecognizable photos, presumably of two politicians.
    7. In one segment, the contents of a uterus emptied of an 8-week old fetus are displayed: an unrecognizable mass of red tissue.
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