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 unreconstructed [`ʌnrɪkən'strʌktɪd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 未重建的, 反对变革的, 脑筋转不过来的, 旧思想的

    [ adj ]
    adhering to an attitude or position widely held to be outmoded
    peasants are still unreconstructed small capitalists at heartthere are probably more unreconstructed Southerners than one would like to admit

    1. There is ABS (anti-lock braking), though the same unreconstructed Ferrari buyer can deactivate it at the flick of a switch. The gear change has been smoothed.
    2. In practice their advice is not too different from that of the pockets of unreconstructed Keynesianism that remain in academia, and more instinctively among politicians and businessmen.
    3. Republicans and Democrats alike say Bush forged his lead on his ability to depict Dukakis as an unreconstructed liberal.
    4. Milken should be punished as the unreconstructed and unapologetic man that he is.
    5. It is evenhandedly critical of policy proposals by industrial-policy advocates and by unreconstructed neo-Darwinists.
    6. Those looking for a more daring gift, notably modern women married to unreconstructed males, might slip their partner Michael Roper's Masculinity and the British Organisation Man since 1945 (Oxford University Press, Pounds 25).
    7. The initial instinct has been to attack Mr Blair as another of Labour's chameleons, willing to twist and trim to win a few more votes but at heart an unreconstructed socialist.
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