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 unredeemed 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 未履行的, 未实践的, 未赎回的, 未偿还的, 未补偿的, 未挽救的, 未收复的

[法] 未实现的, 未履行的, 未赎回的

    [ adj ]
    in danger of the eternal punishment of Hell
    poor damned souls

    Unredeemed \Un`re*deemed"\, a.
    Not redeemed.

    1. Like his other books, "American Psycho" is utterly unredeemed by moral sensibility or critical distance.
    2. The rating concern assigned a Ba-1 rating to Marathon's 9.5% guaranteed notes, which are to be issued in exchange for the unit's unredeemed 12.5% guaranteed notes.
    3. It is fitting that the place be desolate, empty, visibly unredeemed.
    4. The company was the subject of an involuntary bankruptcy filing last week by three creditors who said they were stuck with more than $1 million in unredeemed loans and investments.
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