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 talking ['tɔkɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 说话的, 多嘴的, 富有表情的

n. 讲话, 谈论

    [ noun ]
    an exchange of ideas via conversation
    let's have more work and less talk around here

    Talk \Talk\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Talked}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Talking}.] [Cf. LG. talk talk, gabble, Prov. G. talken to
    speak indistinctly; or OD. tolken to interpret, MHG. tolkan
    to interpret, to tell, to speak indistinctly, Dan. tolke to
    interpret, Sw. tolka, Icel. t?lka to interpret, t?lkr an
    interpreter, Lith. tulkas an interpreter, tulkanti,
    tulk[=o]ti, to interpret, Russ. tolkovate to interpret, to
    talk about; or perhaps fr. OE. talien to speak (see {Tale},
    v. i. & n.).]
    1. To utter words; esp., to converse familiarly; to speak, as
    in familiar discourse, when two or more persons
    interchange thoughts.

    I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you,
    walk with you, and so following, but I will not eat
    with you. --Shak.

    2. To confer; to reason; to consult.

    Let me talk with thee of thy judgments. --Jer. xii.

    3. To prate; to speak impertinently. [Colloq.]

    {To talk of}, to relate; to tell; to give an account of; as,
    authors talk of the wonderful remains of Palmyra. ``The
    natural histories of Switzerland talk much of the fall of
    these rocks, and the great damage done.'' --Addison.

    {To talk to}, to advise or exhort, or to reprove gently; as,
    I will talk to my son respecting his conduct. [Colloq.]

    Talking \Talk"ing\, a.
    1. That talks; able to utter words; as, a talking parrot.

    2. Given to talk; loquacious.

    The hawthorn bush, with seats beneath the shade,
    For talking age and whispering lovers made.

    1. "If nobody is talking to anybody in this region, we'll never accomplish anything," says Mr. Norman.
    2. Mr. Fromstein said the companies he was talking to in London were concerns that Manpower had discussed acquiring in the past year or so.
    3. Instead of quick cuts with no story line, they are talking about simple messsages and traditional storytelling.
    4. On the tape, Harris said he was going to give her a warning ticket, but they began talking about divorce and families.
    5. "Sometimes, you are talking away, and the person doesn't answer.
    6. "We're talking about a friend, we're talking about an ally," he said.
    7. "We're talking about a friend, we're talking about an ally," he said.
    8. The documentary shows Hilary, then 4, talking to her mother in a therapy session in which the child demonstrates with a doll alleged sex abuse by her father.
    9. "We are talking to third parties about buying Murray Ohio and other options" including a recapitalization, he said.
    10. He made clear he was talking about others, not himself.
    11. Our object is peace and we will be talking to the PLO as to others in an effort to move things along toward that objective.
    12. We're talking about days, if not hours, for the Noriega dictatorship."
    13. The economy has been weakening for several months, noted Charles Stone, senior economist with Congress' Joint Economic Committee. "No one is talking about a really severe recession but this oil situation makes things a little bit worse," he said.
    14. We're not talking about closing factories.
    15. They'll also be talking about progress toward reunification in Germany, and about the risk of deunification in Canada, where the French-Canadians of Quebec are threatening succession.
    16. Even the moderate Mr. McCurdy is talking about a more adversarial relationship with the Executive, suggesting he intends to swear in every witness.
    17. Two Civil Service unions are talking to consultants about this.
    18. McCoy got his by talking the owner of a truck parts store into buying him one for $35,000. In return, McCoy offered to split the profit.
    19. "Silicon Valley is an example of the sort of thing I'm talking about," he said.
    20. The union has been talking to the company for some time about safety concerns, Love said.
    21. Mr. Bartels, who has a good knowledge of the Japanese market, having once headed Morgan Stanley's Tokyo office, also is understood to be talking with competitors.
    22. "McDonald's is talking about having things made that have not been made before," said Mr. Saborin.
    23. "I was talking about how I was glad scotch broom season was over, and he said something about how slugs oughta be banned, and it just came together," said Boyles.
    24. "He had lost a lot of blood, but we kept talking to him to take his mind off the pain," he said.
    25. When Bush talks about a "six pack," he's not talking beer _ although he's been known to enjoy one on occasion _ but about wrapping successive horseshoes around the pole.
    26. Most people say it's a load of politicians talking a load of rubbish.' This view is echoed by butcher Mr Michael Gourley.
    27. We've spent a lot of time talking about Eastern Europe, on the dynamic changes taking place there and inside the Soviet Union.
    28. Mr. Bush also hasn't been talking about aid to the Contra rebels in Nicaragua, the Strategic Defense Initiative or any specific way to reduce the federal budget deficit.
    29. But McKinsey, which is talking internally about "taking on ICG's staff," rather than buying the business, would have ICG's 17 partners and 200 professionals focus on strategic issues rather than on implementation.
    30. "People in town have changed," said Pat Perkins, whose family escaped its burning house when her husband heard something in the yard and smelled smoke. "Everybody used to be very happy and smiling, laughing, talking.
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