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 talky ['tɒ:ki]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 对话过多的

    talkier, talkiest
    [ adj ]
    full of trivial conversation
    kept from her housework by gabby neighbors

    1. Mr. Foote's film scripts often seem talky and stage-bound, so it comes as something of a surprise to see how desperately this play wants to escape the time and place to which its naturalistic scheme restricts it.
    2. Thick with denunciations of slimy corporate types in suits who are selling out the honest workers, and also the nation's future, this talky enterprise is rescued by Brian Dennehy in the role of the Willy Loman-like father.
    3. What an irritating work this is, lush with atmosphere and melodic stretches that never quite cover the basic gaps and talky drivel.
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