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 sobriquet ['sәubrikei]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 绰号

    [ noun ]
    a familiar name for a person (often a shortened version of a person's given name)
    Joe's mother would not use his nickname and always called him JosephHenry's nickname was Slim

    Sobriquet \So`bri`quet"\ (s[-o]`br[-e]`k[asl]"), n.[F.
    sobriquet, OF. soubzbriquet, soubriquet, a chuck under the
    chin, hence, an affront, a nickname; of uncertain origin; cf.
    It. sottobecco a chuck under the chin.]
    An assumed name; a fanciful epithet or appellation; a
    nickname. [Sometimes less correctly written {soubriquet}.]

    1. The area's wildlife, which has earned it the sobriquet "America's Serengeti Plain," is of no account.
    2. He gained the sobriquet "Old Stoneface" in 1960 when Khrushchev raucously banged his shoe on his desk during a U.N. General Assembly session, startling everyone in the hall _ except Gromyko, who sat silently staring ahead.
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