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 sociable ['sәuʃәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 好交际的, 社交的, 过社会生活的

n. 联谊会

    [ noun ]
    1. a party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity

    2. <noun.group>
    [ adj ]
    1. inclined to or conducive to companionship with others

    2. <adj.all>
      a sociable occasion
      enjoyed a sociable chat
      a sociable conversation
      Americans are sociable and gregarious
    3. friendly and pleasant

    4. <adj.all>
      a sociable gathering

    Sociable \So"cia*ble\, n.
    1. A gathering of people for social purposes; an informal
    party or reception; as, a church sociable. [Colloq. U. S.]

    2. A carriage having two double seats facing each other, and
    a box for the driver. --Miss Edgeworth.

    Sociable \So"cia*ble\, a.[F., fr. L. sociabilis, fr. sociare to
    associate, fr. socius a companion. See {Social}.]
    1. Capable of being, or fit to be, united in one body or
    company; associable. [R.]

    They are sociable parts united into one body.

    2. Inclined to, or adapted for, society; ready to unite with
    others; fond of companions; social.

    Society is no comfort to one not sociable. --Shak.

    What can be more uneasy to this sociable creature
    than the dry, pensive retirements of solitude?

    3. Ready to converse; inclined to talk with others; not
    taciturn or reserved.

    4. Affording opportunites for conversation; characterized by
    much conversation; as, a sociable party.

    5. No longer hostile; friendly. [Obs.] --Beau. & Fl.

    {Sociable bird}, or {Sociable weaver} (Zo["o]l.), a weaver
    bird which builds composite nests. See {Republican}, n.,
    (b) .

    Syn: Social; companionable; conversible; friendly; familiar;
    communicative; accessible.

    1. The en suite panelled bathroom had a free-standing bath and sociable chairs. This was our self-catering home for the weekend, the house once host to William III.
    2. They tend to be the most personally likeable members of the group, being sociable and stimulating as they go around collecting information from their many outside contacts and showing instant interest in new possibilities.
    3. Other painters have enjoyed private means but have then been less sociable and urbane.
    4. But the people of Aswan, swathed in heavy turbans and thick cotton gowns, are as hardy as they are sociable.
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