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 soccer mom 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 足球妈妈;非常重视小孩休闲活动,亲自开车接送小孩参加运动,活动的母亲

  1. You’re almost the mythical soccer mom as your uterus reaches the proportions of said ball.
  2. Although Mr. Penn, who claims credit for coining the term “soccer mom, ” didn’t specifically seek out research on the dining habits of voters, he does use food as a way to define the candidates.
    Penn 自称是名词”足球妈妈”的发明人 他没有对选民的晚餐偏好做专门研究 而是利用食物来对候选人定位.
  3. In undirected data mining, you are trying to create groups of data, or find patterns in existing data — creating the "Soccer Mom" demographic group, for example.
    在 间接的 数据挖掘中,您会尝试创建数据组或找到现有数据内的模式 — 比如,创建 “中产阶级妇女”的人群。

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