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 snowflake ['snәufleik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 雪片, 雪花, 雪片莲

    [ noun ]
    1. a crystal of snow

    2. <noun.phenomenon>
    3. white Arctic bunting

    4. <noun.animal>

    Snowflake \Snow"flake`\, n.
    1. A flake, or small filmy mass, of snow.

    2. (Zo["o]l.) See {Snowbird}, 1.

    3. (Bot.) A name given to several bulbous plants of the genus
    {Leucoium} ({L. vernum}, {[ae]stivum}, etc.) resembling
    the snowdrop, but having all the perianth leaves of equal

    Snowbird \Snow"bird\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
    (a) An arctic finch ({Plectrophenax nivalis} syn.
    {Plectrophanes nivalis}) common, in winter, both in
    Europe and the United States, and often appearing in
    large flocks during snowstorms. It is partially white,
    but variously marked with chestnut and brown. Called also
    {snow bunting}, {snowflake}, {snowfleck}, and
    (b) Any finch of the genus {Junco} which appears in flocks in
    winter time, especially {Junco hyemalis} in the Eastern
    United States; -- called also {blue snowbird}. See
    (c) The fieldfare. [Prov. Eng.]

    1. The vanished whale they named Knik, one of 28 Eskimo words for snowflake.
    2. In the French Alps, not a snowflake has fallen since Dec. 20.
    3. To make sense of the sublimities of the adagio after the mouse-battle, of the snowflake waltz and the great pas de deux, needs stronger dancers and more searching dances.
    4. The stamps are coated in clear resin and surrounded by a silver-plate snowflake design.
    5. What started as a snowflake has turned into an avalanche." The band decided to do a concert somewhere for Make a Difference Foundation.
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