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 snowman ['snәumæn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 雪人

    [ noun ]
    a figure of a person made of packed snow

    1. This annual ritual no doubt bemuses Snow-Belt residents in places where "eight to 10 inches" is hardly enough white stuff to make a good snowman.
    2. Mark Piszczek, 21, of Glendale Heights, Ill. said the crew of architectural engineering students plan to create a snowman sitting in an open refrigerator roasting a marshmallow over an campfire.
    3. The purported close encounter in Voronezh was only the latest weird tale to appear in the Soviet media, which under the policy of "glasnost" or openness have recently told of other sightings of UFOs and the Yeti, or abominable snowman.
    4. An even rarer species was "Super Frosty," the world's largest snowman, built over two weeks last spring by a team in Anchorage, Alaska.
    5. Robert Maxwell appears as a snowman, to underline the Maxwell/AGB Pension Fund Contributors Association's point that its members are 'still out in the cold'.
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