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 snowpack ['snәupæk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 积雪场

    1. Strommen said the West is severely lacking in moisture from reduced snowpack during the winter, which resulted in "well-below-normal" reservoir levels in much of the region, including Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Nevada.
    2. "Not only are we well below what we normally are, but there is no snow upstate and you rely on the melt off of that snowpack in the spring," said Tina Casey, a spokeswoman for the New York City Department of Environmental Protection.
    3. But the spring flood and water supply report from the weather service singled out California as the region for the greatest concern because of the low mountain snowpack, the source of the majority of the state's water supply.
    4. Although this week's rains were "highly beneficial" in central and northern Califoria as far as the winter wheat crop is concerned, "they did not add a lot to the snowpack situation," Strommen said.
    5. By afternoon, the fog thinned, and temperatures reached the 40s and 50s, melting most of the snowpack.
    6. In Oregon, snowpack and rainfall figures range from near-normal in the northwestern part of the state to 36 percent of normal in the south.
    7. "Warm temperatures and sunny skies throughout the West in April caused snowpack to melt sooner than usual for the month," said Wilson Scaling, chief of the department's Soil Conservation Service.
    8. California's rainy season is just about over, mountain snowpack levels are running at less than 63 percent of normal and river runoff is 35 percent of normal, the state's Cooperative Snow Survey reports.
    9. West Coast: San Francisco and Los Angeles have imposed mandatory water rationing in the wake of light winter snow in the mountains, where the snowpack is a natural reservoir.
    10. Spring weather has prompted an early snowmelt in the Eastern states, while in the West the snowpack is below normal, he said Wednesday.
    11. Winter is the rainy season for the West Coast and the mountain snowpack there provides much of the water for the rest of the year. Californians have been hoping for a snowy winter to break drought conditions going back three to four years.
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