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 shrunk ['ʃrʌnk]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    Shrink \Shrink\, v. i. [imp. {Shrank}or {Shrunk}p. p. {Shrunk}
    or {Shrunken}, but the latter is now seldom used except as a
    participial adjective; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shrinking}.] [OE.
    shrinken, schrinken, AS. scrincan; akin to OD. schrincken,
    and probably to Sw. skrynka a wrinkle, skrynkla to wrinkle,
    to rumple, and E. shrimp, n. & v., scrimp. CF. {Shrimp}.]
    1. To wrinkle, bend, or curl; to shrivel; hence, to contract
    into a less extent or compass; to gather together; to
    become compacted.

    And on a broken reed he still did stay
    His feeble steps, which shrunk when hard thereon he
    lay. --Spenser.

    I have not found that water, by mixture of ashes,
    will shrink or draw into less room. --Bacon.

    Against this fire do I shrink up. --Shak.

    And shrink like parchment in consuming fire.

    All the boards did shrink. --Coleridge.

    2. To withdraw or retire, as from danger; to decline action
    from fear; to recoil, as in fear, horror, or distress.

    What happier natures shrink at with affright,
    The hard inhabitant contends is right. --Pope.

    They assisted us against the Thebans when you shrank
    from the task. --Jowett

    3. To express fear, horror, or pain by contracting the body,
    or part of it; to shudder; to quake. [R.] --Shak.

    Shrink \Shrink\, v. i. [imp. {Shrank}or {Shrunk}p. p. {Shrunk}
    or {Shrunken}, but the latter is now seldom used except as a
    participial adjective; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shrinking}.] [OE.
    shrinken, schrinken, AS. scrincan; akin to OD. schrincken,
    and probably to Sw. skrynka a wrinkle, skrynkla to wrinkle,
    to rumple, and E. shrimp, n. & v., scrimp. CF. {Shrimp}.]
    1. To wrinkle, bend, or curl; to shrivel; hence, to contract
    into a less extent or compass; to gather together; to
    become compacted.

    And on a broken reed he still did stay
    His feeble steps, which shrunk when hard thereon he
    lay. --Spenser.

    I have not found that water, by mixture of ashes,
    will shrink or draw into less room. --Bacon.

    Against this fire do I shrink up. --Shak.

    And shrink like parchment in consuming fire.

    All the boards did shrink. --Coleridge.

    2. To withdraw or retire, as from danger; to decline action
    from fear; to recoil, as in fear, horror, or distress.

    What happier natures shrink at with affright,
    The hard inhabitant contends is right. --Pope.

    They assisted us against the Thebans when you shrank
    from the task. --Jowett

    3. To express fear, horror, or pain by contracting the body,
    or part of it; to shudder; to quake. [R.] --Shak.

    1. Last year, foreign companies captured 49% of U.S. machine-tool sales, up from 25% five years earlier, and the number of domestic machine-tool plants has shrunk by one-third to about 500, the National Machine Tool Builders' Association says.
    2. He said Raymark has won a substantial number of cases against it, but awards in cases it has lost have significantly shrunk its resources.
    3. Argentines who consider themselves lucky just to have jobs have watched in dismay as food, gasoline, cigarettes, movie tickets and virtually everything else have shot up in price, while wages in real terms have shrunk.
    4. By then, Mr. Boesky's portfolios are believed to have shrunk more than 50% from their summer peak, to less than $1 billion.
    5. K mart Corp. and Service Merchandise Co. have slowly shrunk the size of their toy departments, at least in part because Toys "R" Us has taken away business.
    6. Since early 1990, the firm has shrunk or lost at least 10 U.S. offices, and its revenue has fallen 20%.
    7. Its rate of loan losses and nonperforming assets has more than doubled, operating expenses have nearly tripled, and return on assets has shrunk to 0.5%.
    8. Drexel itself has shrunk from a high of about 10,000 employees worldwide to 9,100 today.
    9. As refining capacity has shrunk, so, too, has the yield of gasoline from a barrel of crude, thanks to a government ban on using lead additives to boost octane.
    10. Total assets shrunk to $8.96 billion from $10.22 billion.
    11. Each year the lake has shrunk in size and leaves deposits of calcium carbonate on a new shoreline.
    12. Japan's imports of U.S. goods have indeed increased since Toshiba and other big Japanese companies began a much-publicized buy-American campaign in 1985, but the gains haven't come easily, and the trade deficit has grown, not shrunk.
    13. It began as the broadest-based insurgent group with a large following, mixing hard-line elements with urban intellectuals, but has shrunk because of a lack of central organization.
    14. He has promised Eastern, which has shrunk steadily under Texas Air, will grow again if its labor costs can be cut.
    15. Since then, U.S. soybean acreage has shrunk by 15%.
    16. Now, the market value of Revco's debt and equity has shrunk to $340 million, he says.
    17. As a result, its assets have shrunk to about $670 million, even as newer mutual funds have boomed.
    18. "Instead of a party that fired the imagination of the masses, we have shrunk, losing touch with the toiling millions," he said in a speech in 1985.
    19. The U.S. community, mainly oil workers and their families, has shrunk from 12,000 people to 8,000 in recent weeks and the exodus is expected to accelerate before Jan.15.
    20. In the wake of the E.S.M. case, Grant has shrunk, selling 12 of its 67 offices over the past year.
    21. Lloyd's 66% stake in that market has shrunk to 50% in that period, according to an official at the Institute of London Underwriters, a Lloyd's competitor.
    22. Occhetto on Monday noted that the party's traditional base of support had shrunk and pledged to "work for a new Communist Party." The Communist leader, heavy-set with a graying walrus mustache, was born in the northern city of Turin.
    23. The client's holdings had already shrunk considerably in value.
    24. The programme has shrunk to just one opera production and 12 concerts - a stark contrast to the boom years when 60 events were normal.
    25. Gerrymandering has dramatically shrunk the number of competitive districts.
    26. In the past 18 months, however, the U.S. takeover business has shrunk drastically.
    27. For while share turnover and sales have shrunk recently, analysts are ascendant.
    28. Annual inflation tops 3,000 percent, four of five people lack steady work and the economy has shrunk 20 percent in two years.
    29. The list of delinquencies has shrunk dramatically since Jan. 1 when it was more than 30,000 borrowers, he said.
    30. Greyhound's employment already has shrunk considerably this year with completion of the $350 million sale of Greyhound Lines to a group led by Fred G. Currey of Dallas.
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