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 shucks [ʃʌks]   添加此单词到默认生词本
interj. 呸(表示不满或失望), 那有这回事

    [ noun ]
    1. something of little value

    2. <noun.attribute>
      his promise is not worth a damn
      not worth one red cent
      not worth shucks
    3. an expression of disappointment or irritation

    4. <noun.communication>

    1. Dark red plumes atop the tall grain amaranth sway in the breeze at one end of this unusual field, and long ears of brilliant blue corn poke out of shucks near the other end.
    2. Most states have citizen-legislators, and, shucks, their neighbors can get them to introduce a bill.
    3. He has that populist appeal that everybody's after him and he's just, aw shucks, one of us," Johnston said.
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