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 shuffle ['ʃʌfl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 拖着脚走, 曳步, 混乱, 蒙混, 洗纸牌

vt. 拖曳, 马虎地做, 笨手笨脚地穿(脱)衣, 推诿, 洗牌

vi. 拖曳, 马虎地做, 笨手笨脚地穿(脱)衣, 推诿, 洗牌

[计] 混洗

  1. Who is going to shuffle?
  2. Don't shuffle, give me a clear answer.

[ noun ]
  1. the act of mixing cards haphazardly

  2. <noun.act>
  3. walking with a slow dragging motion without lifting your feet

  4. <noun.act>
    from his shambling I assumed he was very old
[ verb ]
  1. walk by dragging one's feet

  2. <verb.motion> scuffle shamble
    he shuffled out of the room
    We heard his feet shuffling down the hall
  3. move about, move back and forth

  4. <verb.motion>
    He shuffled his funds among different accounts in various countries so as to avoid the IRS
  5. mix so as to make a random order or arrangement

  6. <verb.contact>
    mix ruffle
    shuffle the cards

Shuffle \Shuf"fle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shuffled}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Shuffling}.] [Originally the same word as scuffle, and
properly a freq. of shove. See {Shove}, and {Scuffle}.]
1. To shove one way and the other; to push from one to
another; as, to shuffle money from hand to hand.

2. To mix by pushing or shoving; to confuse; to throw into
disorder; especially, to change the relative positions of,
as of the cards in a pack.

A man may shuffle cards or rattle dice from noon to
midnight without tracing a new idea in his mind.

3. To remove or introduce by artificial confusion.

It was contrived by your enemies, and shuffled into
the papers that were seizen. --Dryden.

{To shuffe off}, to push off; to rid one's self of.

{To shuffe up}, to throw together in hastel to make up or
form in confusion or with fraudulent disorder; as, he
shuffled up a peace.

Shuffle \Shuf"fle\, v. i.
1. To change the relative position of cards in a pack; as, to
shuffle and cut.

2. To change one's position; to shift ground; to evade
questions; to resort to equivocation; to prevaricate.

I myself, . . . hiding mine honor in my necessity,
am fain to shuffle. --Shak.

3. To use arts or expedients; to make shift.

Your life, good master,
Must shuffle for itself. --Shak.

4. To move in a slovenly, dragging manner; to drag or scrape
the feet in walking or dancing.

The aged creature came
Shuffling along with ivory-headed wand. --Keats.

Syn: To equivicate; prevaricate; quibble; cavil; shift;
sophisticate; juggle.

Shuffle \Shuf"fle\, n.
1. The act of shuffling; a mixing confusedly; a slovenly,
dragging motion.

The unguided agitation and rude shuffles of matter.

2. A trick; an artifice; an evasion.

The gifts of nature are beyond all shame and
shuffles. --L'Estrange.

  1. The spokesman said he was constrained not to elaborate, and all parties to the managment shuffle had agreed not to comment further on the changes.
  2. Mr. Hoyle hams up both parts to the hilt, disappearing behind one side of a screen with his nose in the air and a crisp snap of the napkin over his forearm and reappearing on the other side with shuffle and a slump.
  3. "In the shuffle, it's clear that people lose out," he said.
  4. "It wasn't the same type of shuffle songs we used to do," Blackwell recalled. "I really didn't think he would accept it.
  5. But for the most part, the CPI release and a Federal Reserve Board release showing that industrial production fell 0.6% in December got lost in the shuffle that is taking place as traders and investors brace for war in the Middle East.
  6. Dave Bayer, a mathemetician and computer scientist at Columbia University in New York, described the seventh shuffle as a mere follow-up to card players' nagging doubts that the deck is never properly shuffled.
  7. They just shuffle." One man mailed his beard to the fire chief, but in the end there wasn't a whisker of real protest from the formerly hirsute Lynn firefighters forced to face the new year cleanly shaven.
  8. The executives shuffle sheepishly, having heard Pascale speak earlier in the day about the need for corporate 'transformation'. Eventually one bursts out: 'I don't believe in breakthroughs - fast incremental change is what gets results.'
  9. Clerks such as Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp.'s Mr. Chang, the messengers and the mountains of paper they shuffle are symptoms of the colony's system of settling stock trades by hand-delivering individual share certificates.
  10. It is normal for chemical companies to shuffle their assets around.
  11. But the company's original 3,000-title library was sold to broadcast entrepreneur Ted Turner and the famed MGM movie lot was sold to Lorimar-Telepictures Corp. in Kerkorian's last shuffle of the companies in 1986.
  12. The two senior vice presidents who resigned in the management shuffle are Ronald V. Paolucci, 60, and 54-year-old Laurence A. Thompson.
  13. On Sept. 12, Pozsgay, who was promoted to the Politburo in a power shuffle in May, received a five-member delegation from FIDESZ.
  14. Woods traditionally performs the shuffle on the sidelines.
  15. The cabinet also offered its resignation yesterday; a shuffle is expected in the next few weeks.
  16. Despite its improved results, Toyota is expected to shuffle its board in September, which sources said will involve about 20% of the members.
  17. The department now has agreed to shuffle children on a night-to-night basis for no more than three consecutive nights by Nov. 30 and eliminate any night-to-night placement by June 30, except for emergencies.
  18. Pinochet, the army commander, gave no statement on the results of Wednesday's balloting, and it was not known whether he would accept the resignations or shuffle his Cabinet.
  19. In May, one of the most powerful, National Security Planning Chief Chang Se Dong, lost his job in a cabinet shuffle.
  20. Zhao Ziyang assumed the leadership of China's Communist Party in a sweeping power shuffle that is likely to strengthen the nation's reformists.
  21. Morgan Stanley named Joseph Fogg head of investment banking, in the firm's latest management shuffle.
  22. In one, titled "We Are Waiting in Line for Meat," fear appears in the eyes of the waiting customers and they shuffle away from a man who mutters "Down with Ceausescu."
  23. Senior Electrolux executives acknowledge the shuffle reflects a relatively bleak view of U.S. prospects.
  24. South Korea doesn't plan major economic changes following Tuesday's cabinet shuffle and will continue to let its currency rise gradually, the new economic planning minister, Chung In Yong, said.
  25. The long-rumored shuffle, which still must be approved by President Francois Mitterrand at today's cabinet meeting, is significant because it involves two posts that exert great influence over the government's economic policy.
  26. In Japan and Korea, this week and next are the season of blossom-viewing, when crowds shuffle to and fro on public transport to gaze at cherry trees, admire their evanescence, drink too much and take the memory home.
  27. Detroit Edison said it named a new manager of its troubled Fermi 2 nuclear plant as part of a management shuffle within its nuclear operations.
  28. The current management shuffle follows NatWest's disclosure of a second consecutive year of sharp losses at NatWest Bancorp and the exit of the operation's chairman and chief executive last month.
  29. But with small individual claims, "It seems the consumers are lost in the shuffle" of bankruptcy-law cases, Rep. Boehlert says.
  30. The latest shuffle comes amid signs of growing problems at the company.
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