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 seamans lien 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Stalzer said he would have followed a section of the manual suggesting that the captain, an officer and a seaman be on the bridge if hazards existed.
    2. Eisenberg discovered that the purser would not dirty his hands dealing directly with a hold full of Chinese seaman who had been rescued from a sunken vessel, so he became a go-between trading cigarettes and spirits.
    3. Asked what the secretary scribbled, the seaman broke out in a big smile and replied, "He wrote, `Good Luck.'
    4. There are 35 patients on board, including one brought on Sunday from an auto accident in the United Arab Emirates in which two seaman died.
    5. Less than three years ago Miroslav Medvid, a 25-year-old Ukrainian seaman, jumped off a Russian ship anchored in the Mississippi River and swam ashore.
    6. Cousins, 39, a veteran seaman, said he was on the phone with Hazelwood at the moment the Exxon Valdez went aground.
    7. Leslie Allen Everhart Jr., 31, seaman apprentice, Cary, N.C.
    8. A Unocal spokesman dismisses Mr. Lua's grievances as a "standard seaman's complaint."
    9. At the helm was Robert Kagan, a seaman who had problems with steering in the past.
    10. "Taking into account the incubation time of several years between infection and development of the full-blown disease, the seaman would have contracted the virus in the early 1950s," the Times of London quoted Bailey as saying in an interview.
    11. The explosions and fire killed 37 American seaman and ended the careers of the Stark's commander, Capt.
    12. A relationship born when a Navy seaman stationed in the Persian Gulf opened a holiday greetings letter from a Dayton woman by chance is scheduled to bloom into marriage this weekend.
    13. Penalties for operating a ship while intoxicated also include the loss of a seaman's license and up to $1,000 in civil fines.
    14. U.S. officials have also said there are at least eight civilians reported missing in Cambodia, including four journalists, two contractors, a merchant seaman and a missionary.
    15. Todd Edward Miller, 25, seaman recruit, Ligonier, Pa.
    16. The seaman, 23-year-old Terry Jones, was charged in Sydney yesterday with being absent without leave.
    17. Eric Ellis Casey, 21, seaman apprentice, Mount Airy, N.C.
    18. A Cleveland jury in federal court awarded $650,000 in punitive damages to the estate of Maurice J. Moline, a merchant seaman who died in 1988 at the age of 61 from mesothelioma, a rare form of lung cancer believed to be caused by asbestos.
    19. He pledged to 'put jobs and social justice at the top of the agenda. 'I have a hatred of mass unemployment that came from my experience as a seaman,' he said.
    20. A Soviet seaman was missing after reportedly jumping into the Dardanalles strait while attempting to defect to Turkey, the semi-official Anatolia news agency said.
    21. The gray-bearded former merchant seaman spent eight years of a 14-year sentence in a California prison.
    22. Kunkel said he sailed with Kagan four years earlier and wrote an evaluation saying the seaman "tended to drift off" while steering.
    23. Mullahy said that on the night before the explosion, he and Hartwig discussed his impending transfer to London and the seaman even made a list of the items he needed to buy.
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