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 seamless ['si:mlis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 无缝的, 无缝合线的

[医] 无缝的

    [ adj ]
    1. not having or joined by a seam or seams

    2. <adj.all>
      seamless stockings
    3. smooth, especially of skin

    4. <adj.all>
      his cheeks were unlined
      his unseamed face
    5. perfectly consistent and coherent

    6. <adj.all>
      the novel's seamless plot

    Seamless \Seam"less\, a.
    Without a seam.

    Christ's seamless coat, all of a piece. --Jer. Taylor.

    1. The new deal "increases LIN's financial flexibility as we move ahead with the development of the nationwide seamless cellular network," said Craig O. McCaw, chairman and chief executive of both LIN and McCaw Cellular.
    2. "There will be certain clear areas where it will be indisputably evident to all who witness it that a seamless fabric connecting commercials to program content has been developed," he said.
    3. Phoenix, which makes custom steel plate and seamless pipe products, currently is seeking a buyer.
    4. Other improvements in the program will involve the Lorain works' No. 3 seamless pipe mill, a steelmaking ladle arc furnace and Lorain's No. 4 blast furnace.
    5. Six weeks ago, Tamsa got another boost when President Carlos Salinas de Gotari sent troops to take over the corruption-riddled port of Veracruz, eight miles from the mills where Tamsa makes its seamless steel pipe.
    6. Sumitomo Metal rose to a record 306 yen ($2.15) a share at the end of the morning session on reports that exports of seamless pipe, one of its major products, have been growing with the rise in world oil-drilling activity.
    7. One of the keys to Gates' vision is tying together the technologies of handwriting recognition, computerized video, fax, cellular phones, computing networks and vast data bases in one seamless hardware and software package.
    8. And this is still a glorious constant of his art, allied to that other, and intensely personal, gift of seamless, huge-spanned phrasing.
    9. It is an unremarkable piece, decking out a thoroughly traditional framework with modish clarinet effects, but the performance was memorable for the solo playing of Kari Kriikku, extraordinary in its seamless fluency, range of colour and virtuoso elan.
    10. When SKF Group cancelled its contract with Unisource, it cited the failure of Unisource and Sprint to provide seamless network integration. Systems integration will be one of the main tasks facing BT and MCI when they construct a global network platform.
    11. It is a largely seamless production, unpretentious and fast-moving, only coming unglued at the end with a gratuitous sprint to the demolition lot in pursuit of that vital clue.
    12. Instead, the two companies have promised to exchange products and services, including software platforms and other intellectual property. Sprint said its alliance with Telmex would help it create a seamless North American telecoms network.
    13. Even yesterday's manifesto, so seamless in appearance, was fought over to the comma, passionately, with all hatreds showing.
    14. But it was not until now that he felt he could leave SelecTV so that the transition, in what is a very small company, would be 'as seamless as possible'.
    15. It is a "seamless technology," Walker said.
    16. But the seamless garment tends to rip apart in the world of practical politics.
    17. He cultivates a seamless legato, for with him the line is the essential thing, most delicately and scrupulously inflected. Vocal colour-effects probably strike him as vulgar in the great Lieder, and he eschews them.
    18. But European unions are still far from achieving a seamless labor front.
    19. Last month, Energis announced that it was teaming up with Colt, which provides local network services in London, to provide seamless national telecom services.
    20. Member states have recognised the needs of Europe by calling, in the Maastricht treaty, for trans-European networks, transcending national boundaries and providing Europe with the needed seamless networks and services.
    21. Bank officials said the contract could lead to additional sales of pipe finishing technology and equipment by the U.S. company in China, where demand for seamless pipe is increasing.
    22. The interim dividend is lifted 22 per cent to 4.5p (3.7p). Mr John Harvey, chairman, said that Silcock had made 'a seamless entry' into the group.
    23. The Ex-Im Bank said the loan will be used to buy finishing equipment supplied by PMC Industries Inc. of Wickliffe, Ohio, and other U.S. companies for a seamless steel pipe and tube plant in Tianjin, China.
    24. We cannot over-exaggerate the difficulties,' Mr Gaviria said. Stitching together the hemisphere's several trading groups is unlikely to produce the seamless whole promised by leaders at the Miami summit two weeks ago.
    25. Industrial Bank of Japan added Y90 to Y3,740 and Mitsubishi Bank climbed Y30 to Y2,650. Sumitomo Metal Industries, the most active issue of the day, rose Y1 to Y548. There were hopes that it would receive orders for seamless pipes from the Soviet Union.
    26. Mr. Franzen's plot is far from seamless; it spills between the book's covers like exploding upholstery.
    27. But before "seamless roaming" can be introduced in all areas, the regional Bell companies will need to receive a waiver from a 1984 consent decree that limits what long-distance and computer services the Bell companies may provide.
    28. "We expect this partnership will accelerate the provision of seamless, national service which will benefit both our customers and the cellular industry," said Haynes Griffin, president and chief executive of Vanguard Cellular Systems.
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