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 seamen 添加此单词到默认生词本
水兵, 海员, 水手

    Seaman \Sea"man\, n.; pl. {Seamen}. [AS. s[ae]man.]
    One whose occupation is to assist in the management of ships
    at sea; a mariner; a sailor; -- applied both to officers and
    common mariners, but especially to the latter. Opposed to
    {landman}, or {landsman}.

    {Able seaman}, a sailor who is practically conversant with
    all the duties of common seamanship.

    {Ordinary seaman}. See {Ordinary}.

    Seaman \Sea"man\, n.; pl. {Seamen}.
    A merman; the male of the mermaid. [R.] ``Not to mention
    mermaids or seamen.'' --Locke.

    1. It works this way: Experienced seamen must spend longer rotations at sea, worsening the problems of family separations and low morale.
    2. The PC1264 was commissioned to demonstrate whether blacks could be capable seamen.
    3. On Thursday, Sealink made the first move in that direction by asking the High Court to order the seamen's union assets seized.
    4. The Hun-Kuoa No. 1 later got its power back and joined the search for the missing seamen, he said.
    5. The strike arose from a dispute with management over whether several dozen workers should be paid for a three-hour period last week in which they did not work because of a strike by a seamen's union.
    6. Gorbachev, seeking Finnish help in modernizing the Soviet economy, met with industrialists and reviewed Finnish developments in a range of industries from forestry to clothing for seamen on icebreakers or arctic construction workers.
    7. And despite contemporary accounts of bad food, the cuts of meat were good and the seamen probably ate well, he said.
    8. The daily newspaper An-Nahar published a study released by the government-run Maritime Transport Directorate which said 27 ships have been affected by the Syrian blockade of Christian waters, which has killed 14 seamen and wounded five.
    9. Japan loaded a ship with 800 four-wheel-drive vehicles for the U.S.-led multinational force in the Persian Gulf, but a seamen's union held up today's planned departure because of the war danger.
    10. For example, Mr. Abela and other merchant seamen are now being tested by the Maritime Asbestos Legal Clinic, run by Detroit-based maritime lawyer Leonard Jaques.
    11. Those aboard included the German master, his wife and 30 Filipino seamen.
    12. Meanwhile, a strike by Brazilian merchant seamen, which currently is having little impact on shipments, will have to be watched, Mr. O'Neill of Elders said.
    13. The ministry said that among the original demands made by the unions in talks with government last week were relaxed import rights for seamen to bring in cars, video equipment and other luxury goods tax free into Romania.
    14. But they were ordered back to work by an official of the Burmese Embassy in Washington, who says the walkout "could have adverse effects on the image of Burmese seamen."
    15. The Philippine Coast Guard has not released findings of the official investigation conducted by its Board of Marine Inquiry. Board members, mostly retired civilian seamen, said they submitted their findings to the Coast Guard in March.
    16. The executives identified the vessel as the 36,904-ton Saghera, manned by a 34-member crew of Greek officers and Sri Lankan seamen.
    17. "It's great to share ideas about the things that they do and what we do," said Boatsmate 2 Regiald White, 23, who chatted with the Soviets through an interpreter about the price of uniforms and seamen's pay.
    18. When they come back on board, they are just able seamen and they do their jobs.' There must be cases where they touch each other, I said. 'Yes, and they get trooped for it - taken in front of the commander.
    19. But the first change to the rules made by the Pentagon after the attack, which killed 37 seamen, was to authorize ship commanders to open fire on any plane or vessel that came close enough to fire on their ship _ and those guidelines remain in place.
    20. The latest report, the first of several planned, didn't draw any direct link between the cancer death rate among seamen and asbestos used in ships as fire retardants and insulation.
    21. City Hall officials and representatives of Polish-American groups met with the seamen to discuss the process.
    22. Two of the largest unions representing merchant seamen announced plans to merge.
    23. Iraq said its warplanes attacked a tanker off Iran's Persian Gulf coast at dawn today, and shipping sources said two seamen were killed in an earlier Iraqi air strike on a salvage tugboat.
    24. Besides, with current registry laws, ever-changing ports of call and sometimes elusive shipowners, seamen aren't always sure where to complain.
    25. A French-made Exocet missile fired by an Iraqi pilot to snuff out the lives of 37 American seamen aboard the USS Stark on May 17 was a timely pre-summit reminder of the dangers of the gulf.
    26. He plans to test 20,000 more seamen for asbestos damage.
    27. Until the weekend attacks, more than 200 seamen had been killed.
    28. Sailors were frequent sufferers from scurvy until it was discovered that they could be protected by citrus fruits _ hence the term "Limey" for British, from the lime juice rations that were given to seamen.
    29. More than 500 ships have been attacked in the tanker war and more than 300 seamen have been killed.
    30. U.S. seamen are the highest-paid mariners in the world, collecting twice the wages of Japanese crewmen and six times the money paid to Taiwanese seamen.
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