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 portentously 添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ adv ]
    in a portentous manner
    portentously, the engines began to roll

    Portentous \Por*tent"ous\, a. [L. portentosus.]
    1. Of the nature of a portent; containing portents;
    foreshadowing, esp. foreshadowing ill; ominous.

    For, I believe, they are portentous things. --Shak.

    Victories of strange and almost portentous splendor.

    2. Hence: Monstrous; prodigious; wonderful; dreadful; as, a
    beast of portentous size. --Roscommon.
    -- {Por*tent"ous*ly}, adv. --
    {Por*tent"ous*ness}, n.

    1. Given limited space, his writing works by implication, making words and images mean more than they actually say but without making them portentously symbolic.
    2. She recollects and rearranges the details of her life to create in her failing mind what she portentously calls her "history of the world."
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