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 porthole ['pɒ:thәul]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 舷窗, 炮门

[化] 窥视孔

    [ noun ]
    1. a window in a ship or airplane

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. an opening (in a wall or ship or armored vehicle) for firing through

    4. <noun.artifact>

    Porthole \Port"hole`\, n. (Naut.)
    An embrasure in a ship's side. See 3d {Port}.

    1. The crack was in the outermost of four panes of glass in the porthole.
    2. In reality, patience has gone out the porthole this season in the weekly scramble to fill berths.
    3. Staring out the porthole, he murmured something about "Streetcar" being his last play, his "swan song."
    4. Having damaged the exit-and-entry hatch at the beginning of the spacewalk, the cosmonauts were forced to return through an emergency porthole.
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