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 portfolio [pɒ:t'fәuliәu]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 皮包, 公文包, 部长职务, 有价证券财产目录, 艺术代表作选辑

[法] 公文包, 文件夹, 阁员职务

    [ noun ]
    1. a large, flat, thin case for carrying loose papers or drawings or maps; usually leather

    2. <noun.artifact>
      he remembered her because she was carrying a large portfolio
    3. a set of pieces of creative work collected to be shown to potential customers or employers

    4. <noun.group>
      the artist had put together a portfolio of his work
      every actor has a portfolio of photographs
    5. a list of the financial assets held by an individual or a bank or other financial institution

    6. <noun.communication>
      they were disappointed by the poor returns on their stock portfolio
    7. the role of the head of a government department

    8. <noun.act>
      he holds the portfolio for foreign affairs

    Portfolio \Port*fol"io\, n. [F. portefeuille; porter to carry +
    feuille a leaf. See {Port} to carry, and {Folio}.]
    1. A portable case for holding loose papers, prints,
    drawings, etc.

    2. Hence: The office and functions of a minister of state or
    member of the cabinet; as, to receive the portfolio of
    war; to resign the portfolio.

    1. At the end of the two years, he says, an undiversified portfolio that held just one or the other investment would have a cumulative return of zero.
    2. He has been transferring money in his general portfolio from south-east Asia to Latin America for the past four months.
    3. Orange County's loss on its investment portfolio now stands at Dollars 2.02bn, Mr Tom Hayes, the newly appointed chairman of the restructuring team said yesterday, Tony Jackson reports from New York.
    4. But HSBC has managed its portfolio of banks differently.
    5. Mr. Heller's 140-person company stands to gain some credibility from its relationship with Fujitsu, which gives Hal access to the big Japanese computer maker's semiconductor expertise, patent portfolio and marketing force.
    6. Warren Greene, who runs a $12 million high-yield portfolio at his American Investors Income Fund Inc. in Greenwich, Conn., said he doesn't think it's likely anyone will bid for CenTrust's entire junk portfolio because the market is so weak.
    7. Warren Greene, who runs a $12 million high-yield portfolio at his American Investors Income Fund Inc. in Greenwich, Conn., said he doesn't think it's likely anyone will bid for CenTrust's entire junk portfolio because the market is so weak.
    8. Lawrence White, a Bank Board member, said the rule would discourage "gains trading," by which a thrift will book profits by selling the best securities in its portfolio without disclosing losses on the rest.
    9. She says that since 1972, she has turned a credit-card debt of $62,000 into a $100,000 portfolio of six carefully selected stocks.
    10. The CED finds still another reason to worry about the level of portfolio investments by foreigners.
    11. Indeed, some of the most successful investors are pure stock-pickers. If you still want to run a portfolio spread as widely as our models, how do you do it?
    12. Analysts say GE shares lag 36% below last year's high partly because portfolio managers find it too complex.
    13. At the Prudential-Bache High Yield Fund, manager Al Klein has pared the portfolio to about 155 issues from the more than 400 overseen late last year by former manager Robert Angevine, who moved to Morgan Stanley Asset Management.
    14. The interest rate effect which boosted the zeros in the portfolio could work the other way.
    15. My personal pension scheme has therefore taken a modest stake in Norcros. However, the review's portfolio cannot be too speculative.
    16. Consultants said there would be buyers for most of the portfolio if the group were to be liquidated. But the affair will hit German banks, already suffering mounting bad debts from their exposure to industrial companies.
    17. This is partly because the FDIC's goal is to sell, rather than manage, the portfolio.
    18. Taking a cue from industry, some cities are managing their real estate aggressively, like a portfolio of securities.
    19. Most of Drexel's multibillion-dollar U.S. Treasury securities portfolio was sold by Thursday, Drexel officials said.
    20. But fund officials said the Santa Fe Pacific Realty investment provides an opportunity to buy a stake in a large real estate portfolio heavily weighted with California properties.
    21. The SEC investigation, under way since March, focused on Fleet's portfolio of marketable securities, which included issues of some 15 New England bank holding companies.
    22. One of his favorite wait-and-see plays in energy stocks is Grant Tensor Geophysical preferred, which makes up about 2% of his portfolio.
    23. Mulford said some progress had been made in Japanese moves to expand ceilings on individuals' overseas accounts and to allow their use for portfolio investment.
    24. Vanguard did recently begin fiddling with one of its corporate bond funds by decreasing the average quality of the bonds in the portfolio from double-A (the highest quality) to single-A, which pay higher rates.
    25. Nor does it cover the entire portfolio.
    26. But two, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and Ezer Weizman, a Cabinet minister without portfolio, publicly expressed displeasure with the assassination, fearing it could kill U.S.-backed peace efforts and fuel greater Arab extremism.
    27. 'You could run a small portfolio without buying any shares at all.
    28. Those investors include a number of professional portfolio managers, men and women whose reputations depend on being right most of the time.
    29. His portfolio is heavy with bank and auto stocks, which most investors have scorned for more than a year.
    30. Still in the portfolio are some old cyclical favorites including Deere, United Technologies and Phelps Dodge.
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