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 parkway ['pɑ:kwei]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 公园道路, 驾车专用道路

    [ noun ]
    a wide scenic road planted with trees
    the riverside drive offers many exciting scenic views

    parkway \park"way`\ n.
    A wide scenic road planted with trees.

    Syn: drive.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. She lived at Glen Echo, Md., midpoint of the seven-mile stretch of parkway now named in her honor.
    2. We have been working with the parkway superintendent to provide interpretation and other services, thus allowing the park to use its funds for maintenance (much needed on a road with 21 million visitors every year) and personnel.
    3. The concrete-laden span lay in the parkway amid the broken and twisted metal and wood that once formed its framework.
    4. Cooper's car stalled Tuesday in water accumulating under a parkway overpass during a heavy rain storm.
    5. Park Police Sergeant Karl Ore said the teens had been spotted in an allegedly stolen car at early afternoon on the Baltimore-Washington parkway, but that one "bailed out of the car" to avoid being recaptured.
    6. SOM went back to the drawing board and came up with a more formal parade of fashionably postmodern towers along a central parkway.
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