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 parliamentarian [`pɑrləmɛn'tɛrɪən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 议会法规专家, 国会议员, 熟悉议会法规而又有经验的议员

    [ noun ]
    1. an elected member of the British Parliament: a member of the House of Commons

    2. <noun.person>
    3. an expert in parliamentary rules and procedures

    4. <noun.person>

    Parliamentarian \Par`lia*men*ta"ri*an\, a.
    Of or pertaining to Parliament. --Wood.

    Parliamentarian \Par`lia*men*ta"ri*an\, n.
    1. (Eng. Hist.) One who adhered to the Parliament, in
    opposition to King Charles I. --Walpole.

    2. One versed in the rules and usages of Parliament or
    similar deliberative assemblies; as, an accomplished

    1. He contacted, his people contacted a parliamentarian in Canada, roughly the same day they contacted the Foreign Minister of Germany, roughly the time they contacted a member of parliament in the United Kingdom.
    2. A 72-year-old Christian parliamentarian died Saturday when a rocket hit his apartment building during shelling duels between Syrian and Christian gunners, police said.
    3. An opposition parliamentarian linked to the influence-peddling scandal that caused the downfall of Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita resigned on Tuesday.
    4. "International unanimity could be adversely affected, in Saddam's favor of course, unless the Americans act without delay," said former parliamentarian Mubarak Duweileh, who fled Kuwait to Saudi Arabia after the invasion.
    5. "By naming Rocard prime minister, Mr. Mitterrand is giving him a stepping stone to the presidency," said Alain Richard, a parliamentarian close to Mr. Rocard.
    6. The 17 included Faisal al-Sanie, former parliamentarian and member of the opposition group that had been demanding more democracy in Kuwait, along with businessmen brothers Khaled, Adnan and Salah al-Wasmi, he said.
    7. Fellow Hungarian parliamentarian Gaspar Miklos Tamas, whose preface to the first Hungarian edition of "The Road to Serfdom" is about to introduce thousands of other Hungarians to Prof.
    8. "The minister and his officers are urged to do more than give lip service to the growing crisis," said Leakey, brother of Kenya's only white parliamentarian, Philip Leakey, and son of noted paleontologists Louis and Mary Leakey.
    9. Solidarity's Lech Walesa met Monday with parliamentarian Tadeusz Fiszbach, a potential leader of the reformed communist party. Communists asked Poland's Solidarity-led government for protection from "revenge" before holding their last congress.
    10. Italian porn star and parliamentarian Ilona Staller was arrested for indecent exposure today after performing a striptease at a bar and mingling too liberally with the customers, police said.
    11. In an interview published in Pravda, the Communist Party newspaper, Ukrainian Commmunist Party boss Stanislav Gurenko, also a parliamentarian, told Pravda that the Union Treaty issue could deadlock the Congress.
    12. Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz, 40, a parliamentarian endorsed by the Social Demorcracy Party, a successor to the Communist Party.
    13. "If we discuss things at the congress like we are discussing them today, we won't accomplish anything," one unidentified parliamentarian told the Moscow Deputies Club on Tuesday.
    14. That would make her the single most important European parliamentarian, with massive influence over legislation.
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