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 parliamentary [,pɑ:lә'mentәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 国会的, 议会的, 议会制度的

    [ adj ]
    1. relating to or having the nature of a parliament

    2. <adj.pert>
      parliamentary reform
      a parliamentary body
    3. having the supreme legislative power resting with a body of cabinet ministers chosen from and responsible to the legislature or parliament

    4. <adj.all>
      parliamentary government
    5. in accord with rules and customs of a legislative or deliberative assembly

    6. <adj.all>
      parliamentary law

    Parliamentary \Par`lia*men"ta*ry\, a. [Cf. F. parlementaire.]
    1. Of or pertaining to Parliament; as, parliamentary
    authority. --Bacon.

    2. Enacted or done by Parliament; as, a parliamentary act.
    --Sir M. Hale.

    3. According to the rules and usages of Parliament or of
    deliberative bodies; as, a parliamentary motion;
    parliamentary order; parliamentary procedure.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    {Parliamentary agent}, a person, usually a solicitor,
    professionally employed by private parties to explain and
    recommend claims, bills, etc., under consideration of
    Parliament. [Eng.]

    {Parliamentary train}, one of the trains which, by act of
    Parliament, railway companies are required to run for the
    conveyance of third-class passengers at a reduced rate.

    1. The National Party, despite gains made by white leftist and rightist forces, expects to retain power in Wednesday's parliamentary voting, but it probably will suffer its biggest losses since coming to power 41 years ago.
    2. Government party chairman Park Tae-jun told a news conference today that the issue of adopting a parliamentary system would be discussed by a 15-member working committee to be formed Wednesday.
    3. The opposition made a strong comeback in legislative elections in April, stripping the governing party of its parliamentary majority for the first time in South Korea's 40-year history.
    4. Under Korean law, the parliamentary committee has the power to refer the case to the prosecution for legal action, but the prosecution must decide whether to act.
    5. "If politicians really believe in parliamentary democracy, then they should participate in this election.
    6. The four islands plan to hold a political union referendum after parliamentary elections, still unscheduled, are held in Grenada and Dominica.
    7. Earlier this month, Premadasa announced the amnesty as part of a peace plan under which Sinhalese and Tamil militants would receive parliamentary seats and jobs in return for renouncing violence.
    8. The coalition, facing parliamentary elections next March, decided not to propose a reduction in jobless benefits and the ending of tax deductibility of union dues.
    9. Two other GOP amendments fell easily after Democrats raised parliamentary objections.
    10. His political position remained in doubt. Amid chaotic scenes at Westminster, Mr Major stunned the Commons by appearing to suggest under parliamentary privilege that the Harrods chief sought some form of arrangement with the government.
    11. Walesa also said he begged Geremek "on my knees" to become parliamentary leader.
    12. The Unionists held the second-largest number of ministerial and parliamentary seats after Mahdi's Umma Party.
    13. An opposition alliance in Egypt said hundreds of its members had been arrested as the country's voters prepared for today's parliamentary elections, which are expected to be won by President Mubarak's party.
    14. Shamir said no, and Yosef then used his spiritual authority to topple Shamir's government by withholding the parliamentary votes of his Shas Party last Thursday.
    15. Nawaz Sharif, whose backers shared in a landslide victory in the Oct. 24 parliamentary elections, was assured the prime minister's post after receiving the nomination from 18 parties comprising the Islamic Democratic Alliance.
    16. Opposition parties were widely expected to disrupt parliamentary proceedings with demands that Takeshita or other top leaders resign to take responsibility for the involvement of prominent party officials in the scandal.
    17. However, recent figures from a parliamentary answer show that just 8 per cent of child benefit expenditure goes to high-earning families once income is adjusted for family size.
    18. The populist speaker polled 1.3 million votes in last year's parliamentary elections, the highest single tally in the ballot.
    19. The country's first multiparty parliamentary election was held Sunday, and opposition leaders claimed it was marred by intimidation and fraud perpetrated by Houphouet-Boigny's Democratic Party.
    20. Her office made no comment on the change, but an aide said it was part of a Cabinet restructuring expected since Ms. Bhutto narrowly survived a parliamentary no-confidence vote Nov. 1.
    21. Mika joined hundreds of thousands of blacks in a general strike Tuesday and Wednesday to protest the segregated parliamentary elections that exclude the black majority.
    22. Michel Aoun said Wednesday. "The parliamentary session yesterday was the last chapter of a conspiracy against Lebanon," Aoun's Radio Lebanon quoted the him as saying.
    23. Ms. Piracha and Sher Afgan, former minister of state for parliamentary affairs, spoke of several options, mostly designed to stall the bill in the National Assembly.
    24. The two main opposition parties are fighting the parliamentary by-election in Eastleigh as if the date had already been fixed.
    25. Of the 180 constituency parties responding, only 82 supported variations of one member one vote for selecting parliamentary candidates.
    26. In the final vote count, almost 24 hours after polls closed, Ms. Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party won only 45 of the 216 parliamentary races, to 105 for her opponents.
    27. The leader of South Korea's top opposition party said today that the government lost parliamentary elections because voters believed it was dragging its feet on democratic reforms.
    28. He also said the next parliamentary election, set for 1993, should be totally free and that the Communist Party would have to consider relinquishing power in Poland if its candidates again lose.
    29. In a parliamentary answer, the Foreign Office said Malaysia received Pounds 17.798m in 1992-93.
    30. Moslem fundamentalists, who boycotted previous local elections and the last parliamentary elections in 1987, are seeking to capture at least a handful of key local councils.
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